Stereo Mix Enabled, but no sound?

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  1. Posts : 5
    Windows 7 Ultimate x64

    OK, I have FOUND the permanent FIX for this issue. For those with the Realtek Audio open up the Realtek HD audio manager. Once you have this open, you should see "Device advanced settings" up at the top right. Go ahead and click on that. Under Playback Device make sure that "Mute the rear output device, when a front headphone plugged in" is checked. On my system, with headphones plugged into the front jack, I now get sound coming through the stereo mix under the record section.
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 1
    windows 7 64bit

    Enabled and No Sound w/ Conexant on a Laptop

    Here is my scenario.....

    I had to dig deep and perform some voodoo just to get stereomix to show up. Now it is there but none of the audio is feeding into it.

    I have a mackie board plugged into my Microphone jack on my vaio which runs conexant hd. My audio out of my vaio is out of a usb audio jack i had to get to replace my broken built in headphone jack.

    The built in mic is set to "Listen To" and so is a usb microphone I have hooked up. I do this for podcasting. Can anyone help? I have read a ton of forums and followed a lot of instructions to a T to get to this point. Gotta be the last hurdle to get over!
      My Computer

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