Right headphone/speaker problem

  1. Posts : 4
    Windows 7 32bit

    Right headphone/speaker problem

    Hey guys, thanks for taking the time to read.

    Usually ok with things like this.. but dont know where else to turn.. i ll try map it as best as i can..

    i have recently rebuilt a new PC, (old one was kinda dated) everything is running fine.. until i try to use sound on my monitor speakers (iiyama visionmaster pro 454) the sound is coming out very crackly, i play around with the sound moving balance to left speaker only (testing that maybe one has blown) sound was kind of better on the left. I then decided to update my sound drivers which fixed the problem, no more crackling. A few days later i try to connect my headset.. and now i have the problem that sound is only from the left side.. i check the audio balance, everything is how it should be.. i have reinstalled drivers, downloaded realtek.. nothing seems to let me play sound from my right headphone.. ( i have tested headphones on my mp3, nothing faulty at all ) i have onboard sound graphics, so i grabbed one of them small USB to headphones adaptors as they have small built in soundcards to them, ( testing if maybe i have somehow blown my onboard sound ? ) now this wont even detect the USB headset.. i really dont know what else to do..
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 2,039
    Several, including Windows 7 x64 Ultimate

    What is your motherboard? Which hardware are you using? It's impossibole to give any advice without more information on the problem.

    Regards....Mike Connor
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 4
    Windows 7 32bit
    Thread Starter


    Sorry your right.. see below my setup

    CORSAIR 4GB 1333MHz CL9 DDR3 Memory Kit
    Gigabyte SKT-AM3 GA-880GM-UD2H Motherboard
    AMD Phenom II X4 955 Black Edition Quad-Core Processor - 3.20 GHz,8MB Cache,Socket AM3,125W,45 nm
    nvidia geforce 7800 GTX (bit dated)

    when i first installed sound was fine, it was all when i tried to use my speakers, then couldnt fix the balance back to 50 50.. hope this helps.

      My Computer

  4. Posts : 2,039
    Several, including Windows 7 x64 Ultimate

    What sound system are you using?

    Use this to get info on your board etc;

    Belarc Advisor - Free Personal PC Audit


    Regards....Mike Connor
      My Computer

  5. Posts : 11,424
    Windows 7 Ultimate 64

    Welcome to SF. Please make rotate and unmake the audio cable connection from the back of the mobo and also into the monitor. If needed please use a good contact enhancer such as Caig Gold. Likely it's just in the mini jack connection. If the monitor doesn't use a mini jack and the audio is being carried in the video cable then please make and un-make that connection several times and see if that doesn't cure the static !
      My Computer

  6. Posts : 4
    Windows 7 32bit
    Thread Starter

    Hi linnemeyerhere, i think your right! i think the small green jack behind my mobo is kinda faulty.. i really have to wriggle around for a few minutes until it plays out of both sides.. i have finally set it set its playing through boths sides now, having to be very careful not to know the wire too much or it will unbalance.. weird thing is, i do the balance test pressing the little play button in my sound options, and where i am meant to get one side from left, then another sound from right, both noises come through both sides.. i have tried to use my small USB adaptor for my headset, but it is impossible to get my PC to auto detect the usb?
      My Computer

  7. Posts : 11,424
    Windows 7 Ultimate 64

    Perfect. I've found with on again off again or any static like sound, test all connections first. Cheers to you and I would suggest keeping this wire out of the way and loose as any pressure will likely cancel one or both channels. I would hit the green post with some compressed air and then find a contact surface enhancer like Caig Gold. You'll only need a little wipe on the plug and then insert several times. This stuff is .......well like Gold and it's the bomb for audio connections in stereos, also excellent on power plugs but please wipe a little on, rub around then wipe dry.
      My Computer

  8. Posts : 4
    Windows 7 32bit
    Thread Starter

    thanks again
      My Computer

  9. Posts : 11,424
    Windows 7 Ultimate 64

    Anytime mate !
      My Computer


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