trouble recording from the desktop with Audacity

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  1. Posts : 2,039
    Several, including Windows 7 x64 Ultimate

    OK I think I have found a solution for you that works with audacity and what you have. I have just tried it myself and it works.

    It simply bypasses the problems you are having ( I hope! :) )

    Read the posts at the bottom of the article as well!

    Here you can find a large range of virtual audio tools and stuff along with the VST plugins for audacity;

    Complete description of the virtual cable, from the developer;

    Regards....Mike Connor
    Last edited by Mike Connor; 09 Jan 2011 at 01:26.
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 908
    Windows 7 Home Premium

    The Virtual audio cable solution will work, Hal's problem stems from the fact that not all of the Realtek chips have the "Stereo Mix" hardware at the chip level. New drivers won't help as the hardware doesn't exist or has been disabled.

      My Computer

  3. Posts : 2,039
    Several, including Windows 7 x64 Ultimate

    Aphelion said:
    The Virtual audio cable solution will work, Hal's problem stems from the fact that not all of the Realtek chips have the "Stereo Mix" hardware at the chip level. New drivers won't help as the hardware doesn't exist or has been disabled.


    Yes indeed, so it seems. Unfortunately we didn't know that to begin with. These things are usually disabled and hidden by default.

    Regards....Mike Connor
      My Computer

  4. Posts : 99
    Windows 7 ULT 32 bit
    Thread Starter

    HAL and VAC

    Thanks again Mike... you are the most thorough person that I don't know.

    And Aphelion... HAL 9000 is only my fake picture... my real fake name is digi.

    Aphelion said, "Hal's problem stems from the fact that not all of the Realtek chips have the "Stereo Mix" hardware at the chip level. New drivers won't help as the hardware doesn't exist or has been disabled."

    Isn't that always the problem?... not having "Stereo Mix" hardware at the chip level has been my problem for years... come to think of it, that's why my wife divorced me.

    Virtual Audio Cable sounds great, until you read down and find out that you can't hear what you are recording... how can I record what I'm not hearing if I can't hear what I'm recording? (?)

    I mean, how would I know when to click "record" if I can't hear what I want to record?... then how would I know when to click "stop recording"?... it's the old chicken soup and the egg timer thing.

    This, like sending sound on an email, has become like curing cancer as far as the research goes... and I'm metastisizing fast.

    I'm not trying to fly to Jupiter, like the real HAL did, I'm just trying to get to the Radioshack down the street.

    Then if you read further down, you find out that, by testimony of some of the people that used and reviewed VAC, that while using it, the words, "trial, trial, trial" comes out of your speakers... that sounds pleasant and it wouldn't be annoying at all... I haven't heard that phrase since that southern lynch mob of Baptists came to get me back in the '80s.

    I figure getting an 8 track recorder and putting it next to my speakers will be easier and more efficient... that would be groovy.

    I still have a Technics (by Panasonic) cassette deck that I bought when I was 12 in 1974, maybe that'll still work.

    I'll check out all the other stuff that Mike provided me with... VST, VAC, VLC, VD, ETC, BFD, JFK and LBJ.

    Maybe I could change my fake name to "analog-day".

    Thanks again guys/gals... I'll "keep on truckin'."

    Last edited by digiday; 09 Jan 2011 at 03:01.
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  5. Posts : 2,039
    Several, including Windows 7 x64 Ultimate

    You could also simply use a USB blaster that has the devices you need; external sound card usb

    This should work fine, I do the same myself on another machine with no sound on board.

    Just make sure the unit has the devices you need included. I use an X-fi on various machines;

    Also, a trip to Jupiter is probably boring, ( and dangerous if your computer doesn't do what you want! :) ). Look at all the fun we are having trying to get to Radio Shack.............

    Regards....Mike Connor
      My Computer

  6. Posts : 1,996
    Windows 7 Home Premium 64 bit


    What I think you need to do is......
    Download Realtek HD Audio Codec R.256 Realtek
    Granted you have gone into the BIOS and enabled HD audio, you should go to the device manager and Uninstall the windows driver and delete it if you see that option. Restart your PC. If windows re-installs the driver, that's fine. Install the Realtek driver right over it.

    Following the previous enable instructions.
    Then try to record your streaming audio.
    Last edited by Sardonicus; 09 Jan 2011 at 11:07.
      My Computer

  7. Posts : 908
    Windows 7 Home Premium

    digiday said:
    Thanks again Mike... you are the most thorough person that I don't know.

    And Aphelion... HAL 9000 is only my fake picture... my real fake name is digi.

    You could always go the old fashioned route... and get a cable like this one.

    trouble recording from the desktop with Audacity-stcable.jpg

    Line out to Line In, you could possibly monitor what you're recording through the front headphone jack. Not the most elegant solution but it might get you there.

      My Computer

  8. Posts : 99
    Windows 7 ULT 32 bit
    Thread Starter

    from Didi

    First I will address the response from C3PO (aka p5bdkw)... I think Didi could be a whole new identity for me... I loved Didi Conn in Greese (what a hottie)... see your new photo, and mine, attached.

    Messing with my audio drivers is not an option, as I said... if you went through what I went through with messed up HD audio drivers from Realtek, and with Microsoft, then you'd probably understand why Microsoft didn't include any Realtek drivers in their current W7 ULT installer (I guess they started making their own audio drivers)... through that experience, I became so familiar with two Microsoft phone center tech support managers in India that we now are roommates in Delhi... these guys a crazy when it comes to partying.

    I typed the name of one of these two MS call center tech support managers so many times, Ashish, that my spell check finally stopped trying to change that word in to "Hashish" because it learned by shear repetition... that's what HAL should have done.

    And yes, also through that experience, I learned about flashing the BIOS, and so, thankfully, I stopped flashing old ladies in the park... my BIOS is set to HD audio. At the time, I also went through learning the "Pre-Boot System Assessment (PSA) Diagnostics and Error Codes For Dell Computers" routine so much that PC geek-techs in the area started taking classes from me.

    I uninstalled and attempted to re-install the Realtek HD audio driver so many times, with and without the online and phone support guidance from "Hashish" that my old Vista system started refusing to restart... it just finally gave up and took an overdose of quaaludes... GRHS. The only good thing that came from that situation was getting a gratis copy of W7 ULT from Microsoft, which led me to this situation rambling back and forth with you, so you decide how lucky I was.

    Anyway, Mike and Alphelion have already deemed the driver replacement method as useless on my machine.

    As for Algernon (aka Alphelion), wouldn't you really rather have the fake identity of a lab mouse instead of the most distant point of a planet's orbit from the sun?... or a science-fictional webzine?

    I did go the old fashioned route one time on my 3rd wife, but I think that's why she divorced me... we never had a great chemistry that way.

    And Mike... sorry, I can't think of anything to say about your name and you've always addressed me by my proper fake name.

    I once got hooked on USB blasters, but I ended up in Hoboken wearing nothing but a sombrero and a pancho... that's what led to my 4th wife divorcing me and I was in rehab for years... but that's a whole other story.

    I think my feelings will be summed-up properly if you listen to the recording at this link... "www.digi's feelings summed-up in a song.html" .

    Sorry, being such a success at failing on this two day odyssey makes me a little crazy, like HAL in the original 2001 Odyssey... "www.HAL 9000 goes"


    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails trouble recording from the desktop with Audacity-didiconn.jpg   trouble recording from the desktop with Audacity-c3po.jpg  
    Last edited by digiday; 09 Jan 2011 at 16:54.
      My Computer

  9. Posts : 2,039
    Several, including Windows 7 x64 Ultimate

    Perhaps you should get some flowers for Algernon? :)

    At least you got to go on an odyssey!

    Regards....Mike Connor ( The well known input device!).
      My Computer

  10. Posts : 12,012
    Windows 7 Home Premium SP1, 64-bit

    I only scanned this thread and don't know if you got this resolved or not.

    I assume you want to be able to record "what you hear" on Windows 7. It was easy on XP, somewhat more difficult on Vista, and considerably more difficult on Windows 7.

    As far as I can tell, this is deliberate on the part of Microsoft and anyone who might make audio drivers. Probably a concession to Hollywood/RIAA and the powers that be.

    You may or may not eventually fumble your way into the right configuration of old/new drivers that works. Some sound cards work very easily. Some are terminally exasperating. I eventually got Sigmatel sound going OK on Win 7.

    The standard advice is to try all old drivers in as many ways as you can think of.

    Confirm that you have disabled/disconnected devices shown in Sound control panel.

    You may still fail in spite of all that.

    It's all but certain your issues have nothing to do with Audacity. The Audacity forums are light on Windows 7 support at any rate.

    I eventually bought a $30 external USB sound card (Behringer), which also has a turntable input.

    Or you can buy an internal sound card known to not have any issues on Win 7. I bought USB because it is portable between PCs and is inexpensive. I can plug a turntable or conventional tape deck directly into it as well.

    At one time, the HT Omega Striker 7.1 and the Asus Xonar internal cards both permitted "stereo mix" on Windows 7. I don't know if that is still true.
      My Computer

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