Hi p5,
Over the course of that Vista/Realtek/Auto Update nightmare I tried drivers from all sources, the Realtek site, the Dell site, any place I could get my hands on current and old drivers... the tech guys in India even were frequently mounted to my desktop over a period of time in September trying to fix the no audio problem.
There was something inherent in whatever Realtek driver had been auto installed at the end of August that was keeping any re-installation of any new or old audio driver from working.
Needless to say, now I have all the optional updates blocked and I have my auto update in W7 set to only allow me to install the updates, though I know sometimes it still installs some updates behind the scenes and behind my back... thankfully, just not the driver and optional updates.
It was a bit funny because one of the MS techs in India insisted that Windows never auto installed any drivers... I sent him an error panel collage image that I made to convince him otherwise and that's why he ended up ordering me a copy of W7 ULT.
One of the video driver updates for the NVIDIA GeForce drivers got eaten too and would not work correctly... there were all kinds of things going wrong and this computer was not being used nearly as much as it is now with W7.
Now this computer is very, very clean and stable... not one crash in 3 months of using W7, knock on wood... I'm personally amazed at its stability now.
Are you investigating audio driver performance?... someone said that Realtek makes the driver that is in this Windows 7 ULT system software now anyway (but it says it is made by MS in the audio driver properties panel) so it seems that it should do the same things for Audacity that any actual Realtek driver would anyway... that's why I figure that the problem with this desktop recording thing is due to something else in my soundcard or something anyway.