7000 x64 Fixed my crackle :)

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  1. Posts : 12,364
    8 Pro x64

    7000 x64 Fixed my crackle :)

    The analouge speaker crackle that has plagued me since 6801 appears to be rectified in the x64 version of build 7000

    The chipset inf and the audio drivers are the same as I 've used before. The only difference is using the x64 version. I can only assume that the drivers are more x64 friendly in 7 than they were with the x86 version.

    (they are XP/VISTA x86/x64 multi drivers)

    Either way, I'm happy
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 4,282
    Windows 7 Ultimate Vista Ultimate x64

    Good to hear Smarteyeball.
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 12,364
    8 Pro x64
    Thread Starter

    Literally :)

    Thanks mate.
      My Computer

  4. Posts : 12,364
    8 Pro x64
    Thread Starter

    Bah, I got too excited to soon. I've swapped the crackles for freezing / crashing /stuck sound loops

    Gaming with this card is almost impossible ATM.
      My Computer

  5. Posts : 4,282
    Windows 7 Ultimate Vista Ultimate x64

    You don't think it anything to do with the new ATI driver your running do you!
      My Computer

  6. Posts : 12,364
    8 Pro x64
    Thread Starter

    lol :) Unfortunately no. It happened to me with 8.12 once or twice last night playing Fallout 3. However I installed Far Cry2 today and was experiencing weird sound glitches preceding these crashes, (clipped sounds, missing sounds) which tends to point towards the sound drivers.

    I'm not ruling out the ATI drivers though

    I actually just lodged a ticket with Auzentech, but I'm not holding my breath.
      My Computer

  7. Posts : 12,364
    8 Pro x64
    Thread Starter


    Lucky I didn't hold my breath. Still no response from Auzentech

    95% certain it's driver cmudax3.sys that's giving me grief. I'm going to try removing my card and go back to onboard audio and see if that helps.
      My Computer

  8. Posts : 2,899
    Windows 7 Ult x64(x2), HomePrem x32(x4), Server 08 (+VM), 08 R2 (VM) , SuSe 11.2 (VM), XP 32 (VM)

    sometimes you dont even know what things you break smarteye....
    is this a vanilla install (to the point that you didnt install the audio drivers?)
      My Computer

  9. Posts : 12,364
    8 Pro x64
    Thread Starter

    lol. No I had to install the drivers myself as windows didn't have any that worked with my card.

    I think I'm getting past the vanilla stage too. Don't know what flavor I'm at yet

    I'm just trying out the onboard now. If I remember correctly it's realtek HD....
      My Computer

  10. Posts : 2,899
    Windows 7 Ult x64(x2), HomePrem x32(x4), Server 08 (+VM), 08 R2 (VM) , SuSe 11.2 (VM), XP 32 (VM)


    raealtek should work OOB as i have them in as the default ( the oob drivers)...

    the other realtec (is it realtec or realtek??) drivers where no good for me though...
      My Computer

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