Audio Mutes and Unmutes

  1. Posts : 2
    Win7 64 bit

    Audio Mutes and Unmutes

    A few days ago, however, I started to find my Windows Media player suddenly opened. Nothing playing, just opened to the library. This only happened a couple of times. Until today.

    Today my computer decided to to go crazy on me. The windows media player has been opening itself within seconds of being closed. So I disabled the player and now about every 3 seconds a Caution window pops up with the following message:
    "You are attempting to open a file of type 'Application extension' (.dll)

    These files are used by the operating system and by various programs. Editing or modifying them could damage your system.

    If you still want to open the file, click Open with. Otherwise, click Cancel"
    Of course, clicking Cancel just prompts another window to open with the same message.

    The audio has also gone nuts. I have the Volume manager open and I can watch it mute and unmute about every 15 seconds.

    I have run several virus and spyware searches and have fixed all issues (only cookies were discovered) and I see no changes to my computer's bad behavior.
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 6,618
    W7x64 Pro, SuSe 12.1/** W7 x64 Pro, XP MCE

    It would appear obvious that something is attempting to access files on it's own. Without knowing what that is, it would be difficult to figure how to deal with it. Perhaps this program will help you identify it:

    Process Monitor
      My Computer


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