Possible to Change Sound Scheme via Command Line?

  1. Posts : 2
    Windows 7 Ultimate 64-bit

    Possible to Change Sound Scheme via Command Line?

    Hello All,

    I've scoured and searched past threads, but have not found the answer(s) I'm looking for.

    Here's my situation: I'm a full-time AV technician and I frequently deal with multiple (sometimes hundreds) of rental computers that need to be set up for use with presentations. Using the GUI to configure each one is very time-consuming, and I can't rely on the computer vendors to preconfigure each computer before it arrives onsite.

    After much searching and some testing, I have compiled a file that will change the power settings to my liking, but have yet to find a way to manage this for system sounds. Resolution settings and "Extended Desktop" mode settings would be nice, too, but are not necessary. I ALWAYS want to get rid of system sounds; not so much for using Extended Desktop mode, etc.

    Does anyone have any insight or ideas on how to accomplish this via command line? My only concern is that I don't always have Admin privileges for the computers I'm tweaking, so I would need to be able to have changes take effect without the need for elevation.

    I'd also be okay with some method to simply mute the system sounds via the sound mixer. I'll take what I can get, I just need an efficient way of going about it.

    I'm not overly familiar with writing scripts, but I am willing to learn and try various things. I have a virtual version of Win7 on my computer to test things in as needed.

    Thanks in advance for the help,

      My Computer

  2. Posts : 72,512
    64-bit Windows 11 Pro for Workstations

    Hello Jordan,

    If you like, you could use OPTION TWO in the tutorial below to change sounds using the registry. You could use .reg files to export and merge them, or use the command line to change the registry values.

    Sounds - Change

    Hope this helps, :)
      My Computer


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