Is there any way to permanently lock the mic volume level?

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  1. Posts : 37
    Windows 7 Ultimate x64
    Thread Starter

    Having Task Manager trigger on a microphone volume event

    I posted about a microphone volume issue I've been having over in the audio sub-forum where the microphone volume is set to different values automatically by different programs and I was hoping there would have been a way to permanently lock the microphone volume so that can't happen. Turns out there's no way doing that so now I found a command line utility instead called nircmd which can be used to set the microphone volume in a very fast and silent way using some switches.

    Now my next mission is how and when to trigger this command which will set the mic volume back to the level I like. I was thinking of using Task Manager and I could of course set it to run the command to set the mic volume every 5 minutes for example. However that could mean I would be recording at some other level without knowing about it for up to 5 minutes until the task is executed again.

    For this reason I checked Task Manager and found I can choose to use a trigger called 'On an event' rather than 'On a schedule' and I was thinking maybe that's what I'm looking for...? However I'm not sure what exactly to use if it's even possible to have Task Manager monitor the mic volume. Ideally I would like Task Manager to run my command whenever the mic volume is set to anything but the value I want in my case 75%.

    Does anyone know if this is possible or maybe you have some other smart ideas...?
    Last edited by Brink; 17 Jul 2014 at 16:47. Reason: moved to original thread
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 4,161
    Windows 7 Pro-x64

    Are you using Realtek drivers? If you are, turn Exclusive Mode off. (Both check boxes.)
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 37
    Windows 7 Ultimate x64
    Thread Starter

    No, I have my mic connected to an external Asus Xonar U7 sound card.

    However I already unchecked the exclusive options but to no avail.
      My Computer

  4. Posts : 37
    Windows 7 Ultimate x64
    Thread Starter

    Need some help NirCmd

    Just found a very powerful command line tool that let you do pretty much everything you could ask for.

    I'm trying to use this tool to set my microphone volume and just setting the volume one single time works just fine but I want this to happen repeatedly making sure my mic volume is always at the same level where I want it.

    The command to do this using NirCmd looks like this

    nircmd setvolume 1 49500 49500 (this will set the volume to 75%)

    Doing the same thing but repeatedly I should be able to use the loop switch like this

    nircmd loop 5 1000 setvolume 1 49500 49500 (this should do the same thing 5 times every 1000 milliseconds)

    For some reason this doesn't work. Looking at the nircmd process in Task Manager I can see how the loop command works because nircmd stays in the processes list in Task Manager for 5 seconds. However the volume is only set once and if I change the volume manually during these 5 seconds it should be returned to 75% every 1000 milliseconds but it's not.

    Just to make sure the loop switch works I tried the exact same line as above but I replaced the setvolume command with another nircmd command sending a 'beep' to my speakers and sure enough I heard the beep loud and clear 5 times in a row every 1000 milliseconds. The command looked like this

    nircmd loop 5 1000 beep 1500 1000 (where 1500 is the Hz and 1000 is the length of the beep)

    So...I can't see why the setvolume command can't be repeated the same way.

    Any experienced nircmd user in here who could help me understand what I'm missing here?
    Last edited by WebMaximus; 10 Jul 2014 at 14:23. Reason: Added some extra info
      My Computer

  5. Posts : 1
    Windows 7 Ultimate x64

    I am having a similar problem using 'win activate' within a loop. 'speak text XXX' works fine within the loop.
      My Computer

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