Having Task Manager trigger on a microphone volume event
I posted about a microphone volume issue I've been having over in the audio sub-forum where the microphone volume is set to different values automatically by different programs and I was hoping there would have been a way to permanently lock the microphone volume so that can't happen. Turns out there's no way doing that so now I found a command line utility instead called nircmd which can be used to set the microphone volume in a very fast and silent way using some switches.
Now my next mission is how and when to trigger this command which will set the mic volume back to the level I like. I was thinking of using Task Manager and I could of course set it to run the command to set the mic volume every 5 minutes for example. However that could mean I would be recording at some other level without knowing about it for up to 5 minutes until the task is executed again.
For this reason I checked Task Manager and found I can choose to use a trigger called 'On an event' rather than 'On a schedule' and I was thinking maybe that's what I'm looking for...? However I'm not sure what exactly to use if it's even possible to have Task Manager monitor the mic volume. Ideally I would like Task Manager to run my command whenever the mic volume is set to anything but the value I want in my case 75%.
Does anyone know if this is possible or maybe you have some other smart ideas...?
Last edited by Brink; 17 Jul 2014 at 16:47. Reason: moved to original thread