Is There A Music Program That Rivals Musicmatch Jukebox?

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  1. Posts : 167

    Is There A Music Program That Rivals Musicmatch Jukebox?

    Sorry if this seems like a dumb question, I hope someone is familiar with this program. It was a free download (well, one version was) and it used to be associated with Yahoo! Afterwards, Yahoo! stopped sponsoring it and it could no longer be downloaded from their website. They still have that "sorry, Yahoo! doesn't support this anymore" or some message like that.

    Which is why the only place you can find the setup .EXE file for this program is from second-hand sources on the internet like, I think it is called.

    Well, what I remember from this program is that it had truly, the BEST equalizer options I've ever really makes the music being played sound like you are there right before it. The sound can become so crystal clear, and the treble and bass would be perfect if you raise the 8 or 10 bars just the right amount (make them form a hill).

    However, with programs like RealPlayer or Windows Media Player...I could not even get close to the sound quality with their equalizers, as the one for Musicmatch Jukebox.

    The reason I'm asking if there's a rivaling program in this regard (quality of sound via equalizer) is because....Musicmatch Jukebox is non-compatible with Vista and Windows 7 (dammit...) I'm not sure why, but it's just not, and I'm not sure of a way around this.

    The only other program that I think MAY rival or be better than iTunes. However I'm not sure if iTunes is better (when it comes to the equalizer and how much better it can make music sound better).

    Would anyone here say iTunes is of higher quality in this sense? Or is iTunes just better because more people use it and has better library options? Which has the better equalizer in your opinion?
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 1,496
    7 Ultimate x64

    Do you have a sound card?
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 167
    Thread Starter

    Why and I don't see the relevance sorry.
      My Computer

  4. Posts : 8,135
    Windows 10 64 bit

    Try the free WinAmp media player. Also the Windows Media Player has the SRS WOW EQ system that adds quite a bit to the audio, have you tried using that? There are many "better" media players than the old MMJB.

    I had a "lifetime upgrade" paid version of MMJB. It eventually deteriorated to mainly a player for their paid music download service. When I went to Vista I had to dump it because of incompatibility.
      My Computer

  5. Posts : 167
    Thread Starter

    Wait so you're saying Windows Media Players SRS/WOW effects are better than MMJ's equalizer. No way dude. I have tried both for at least 5 years and musicmatch blows it. Blows it hard and out of the water lol.

    Oh well if this is your idea of one that is better than I guess I am just left to try out some others, those being so far, the WinAmp you mentioned and iTunes. I wonder if MMJ is compatible with 7...maybe not since 7 is like Vista with opaque-ness everywhere, which you have to admit is innovative since it's Windows.

    by the way read someone saying online the itunes is shit compared to MMJ, which was my hypothesis anyway but I'll try out iTunes...and good is the equalizer on iTunes would you say? I mean, without the use of this, on normal settings any music player will sound like crap. your song will sound like it's coming out of the radio or something.

    It is not until you increase the highest ends of the bass and treble and lower the more middle bars down that the song starts sound clystar clear like hell and while having good bass at the same time.
      My Computer

  6. Posts : 3,187
    Main - Windows 7 Pro SP1 64-Bit; 2nd - Windows Server 2008 R2

    fireberd said:
    ...Windows Media Player has the SRS WOW EQ system that adds quite a bit to the audio, have you tried using that? There are many "better" media players than the old MMJB.
    I have not used MMJB for many years, but recall that the SRS WOW EQ was what made me really like it, along with a (at least back then) logical user interface for my music library.

    I had a "lifetime upgrade" paid version of MMJB...
    So did I, until their definition of "lifetime upgrade" became "For the life of the version you bought and paid for". They came out with a new version that kept insisting that I cough up another twenty or thirty dollars. I thought "fine", I'll just stick to the old version, which suited my needs just fine. Then, the first time you had it look up tags for a new album (or anything else requiring it to connect to the Internet), it would automatically disable the old working version, install the new one, then hit me up for more money. The funny thing is, I generally succumb to reminders of an available software upgrade sooner or later. Had they not insisted on disabling the version I had already bought and paid for I might have remained a customer.

    So this post isn't a total gripe, let me suggest to the OP that he try foobar2000.

    Once you add a few components it has a pretty slick EQ of its own. (It's free, too.) :)
      My Computer

  7. Posts : 2,737
    Windows 7 Enterprise (x64); Windows Server 2008 R2 (x64)
      My Computer

  8. Posts : 1,403
    Win 7 Ultimate 32bit

    Sorry,, MMJB was such a complete and total joke to every single tech back in the day. It was just complete garbage software. Trust me, there were many problems with it over all. The first thing that ever got whacked on any new system was MMJB and replaced at that time with WinAmp.

    Now I completely agree with foobar2000. Far superior in my opinion, to even WinAmp.
    Yes, you have to fiddle with it a bit and install some add-ons, but after that, it's portable and can be carried on a thumb drive/external drive. Instant jukebox on any PC you plug into.
    Last edited by Tepid; 11 Jun 2010 at 22:55.
      My Computer

  9. Posts : 3,187
    Main - Windows 7 Pro SP1 64-Bit; 2nd - Windows Server 2008 R2

    Tepid said:
    Sorry,, MMJB was such a complete and total joke to every single tech back in the day...
    What "day" was that back in?

    I used it about 10-11 years ago and liked it a lot. Must have gone really downhill...

    (Maybe because they cheated so many people out of their supposed "lifetime" upgrade, huh?)
      My Computer

  10. Posts : 1,403
    Win 7 Ultimate 32bit

    Oh yeah,, I am talking ever since it first came around.
    I can't remember everything or give details, but all I know is, we uninstalled it like the plague it soon turned out to be.
      My Computer

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