the fact that comodo doesn't seem to suck up so many system resources and has a pretty straight forward gui and easy to understand for even the novoce to setup....At least I would think so....
Joules- when I read this I went to Win7 Task Manager and took a screen shot of the Comodo v5.3 Firewall and Defense+ RAM usage...
I have a problem with Windows Firewall disabling itself every 5 or 6 hours on my computer! Windows Firewall will automatically disable itself and give the following message "Windows Firewall is not using the recommended settings to protect your computer." with only one option "use recommended...
Hi guys,
Could anyone explain to me why Windows Firewall starts when I have Comodo Firewall installed and running?
It makes me nervous! :confused:
I have a fresh installation of Comodo Internet Security.
The only reason I knew it was running was because I got the message after a reboot,...
I have been dealin with this 2 days now and went through all the steps recommended by Microsoft... even downloaded Virtual tech for mcafee and FIx it for MS none worked. went to google to try to follow other advises and tried to do malware removal . after it i followed these steps:
Download both...
IS the esset firewall any worth comparied to comando? or outpost or others? I know its mainly a anti virus with built in firewall but does is it worth it? is comando the best?
Hi all :)!
I've recently installed Windows 7 Ultimate x64 Beta Build 7000 and I have Comodo Firewall 3.8.65951.477 64-Bit installed as my firewall. I get this problem that I can't solve at all :confused:.
When I click on " Run...