I have MSE and Malwarebytes PRO..Which firewall is better the default windows one or comodo?
I have MSE and Malwarebytes PRO..Which firewall is better the default windows one or comodo?
Windows Firewall will work well with MSE and MBAM. I'm unsure about Comodo, although I suspect you won't have any problems.
On the question of which one is "best", thats a hard one to do you test that? Leak tests? I think you will be quite OK with Windows Firewall.
In the leak test with windows firewall it scored 190/340
Even When I switched the firewall to comodo I got the same score..why?
If you want to do a little bit of investigating and see all the connections on your sys when your online, you can d/l this utility:
TCPView for WindowsTCPView is a Windows program that will show you detailed listings of all TCP and UDP endpoints on your system, including the local and remote addresses and state of TCP connections.
Also if you would like an in depth guide to configuring Comodo, d/l this, it's a long read but it'll answer your questions about configurations, set ups, etc. Give it a read, see if anything is configured wrong and after making adjustments, if need be, run the test again
On thing I would not recommend is zone alarm. Based on what I have read on various posts, it does not play well with Win 7.
That's why I posted the link for the user guide CanIHaz.
It's actually got quite a plethora of settings and the read is over 300 pages long, but it will give you the knowledge to configure it the way you want and the way it should be.
My test scored 340/340
I've been using Comodo since v3.8 and the settings needed to get a 340/340 score on the Leak Tests change slightly from version to version as the features change. After I updated to the latest Comodo v5.3 with the Firewall in custom Policy Mode and Defense+ HIPS in Safe Mode I simply reset it to Proactive Configuration using the Comodo Tray Icon, Disabled the Sandbox, ran the Leak Tests denying all requests and got a 340/340 score.