is this malware?

  1. Posts : 4
    Windows 7 Home Premium 64bit

    is this malware?

    I did a scan with Ccleaner and the registry scan showed these:
    ActiveX/COM Issue cPC_DMIRDll.cPC_DMIRDllImpl - {901236B4-9564-4B47-A43D-E7A93B24F5ED} HKCR\cPC_DMIRDll.cPC_DMIRDllImpl
    ActiveX/COM Issue cPC_DMIRDll.cPC_DMIRDllImpl.1 - {901236B4-9564-4B47-A43D-E7A93B24F5ED} HKCR\cPC_DMIRDll.cPC_DMIRDllImpl.1
    Missing TypeLib Reference IUserHelper - {19D52A9A-379C-4720-BA00-3D396ECD24D7} HKCR\Interface\{915DA835-02FE-4953-92FA-624BDF5D85AB}
    Missing TypeLib Reference IiPodManagerUI - {19D52A9A-379C-4720-BA00-3D396ECD24D7} HKCR\Interface\{D775A119-EAC2-4F28-B06E-8AC16F2695DA}
    Since I am new (fairly) with pc's I did not touch or remove these.
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 8,383
    Windows 10 Pro x64, Arch Linux

    No these are corrupt/missing ActiveX objects which can be safely removed :)
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 4
    Windows 7 Home Premium 64bit
    Thread Starter

    Thank you so much!
      My Computer

  4. Posts : 1,036
    Winbdows 7 ultimate x64 | Ubuntu 12.04 x64 LTS

    Yep. As a precaution, take backup of the keys when prompted by CCleaner during removal. If something goes wrong (chances of which are very rare), you can restore them.
      My Computer

  5. Posts : 2,303
    Windows 7 & Windows Vista Ultimate

    H, Vonda. Welcome to Seven Forums.

    (Edit note: Once again, while researching and then out with the dogs, others have replied. :) )

    Personally, I do not choose to remove that type of entry with CCleaner. In fact, I do not recommend using registry cleaners.

    <Registry Cleaner "Lecture">

    Windows is a closed source system. Developers of registry cleaners do not have the core code of Windows 7 and are not working on definitive information, but rather they are going on past knowledge and experience. Automatic cleaners will usually have to do some guesswork.

    Modifying registry keys incorrectly can cause Windows instability, or make Windows unbootable. No registry cleaner is completely safe and the potential is ever present to cause more problems than they claim to fix.

    Registry cleaners cannot distinguish between good and bad. If you run a registry cleaner, it will delete all those keys which are obsolete and sitting idle; but in reality, those keys may well be needed by some programs or windows at a later time.

    Windows 7 is much more efficient at managing the registry than previous Windows versions. Even if you use the CCleaner registry to delete keys left over when uninstalling programs, these few keys will not make 1 millisecond's difference in performance. If you run CCleaner or any other registry cleaner and do not know precisely what you are doing, you will have problems down the road. There are no gains to be had from using a registry cleaner and the risk is great.

    Forget all the "wisdom" you learned about XP. Windows 7 is not XP and does not manage the registry the same as XP.

    Are registry cleaners necessary?

    Back up the registry


    It appears that at least two of the items are related to the iPod. (Apple - Support - Discussions - Ipod Classic Stuck In 'Verifying Ipod' ...). They are not malware related (unless someone considers Apple products malware LOL ).

    Are you having problems with the computer?
      My Computer


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