Password protecting a file or briefcase?

  1. Posts : 207
    Windows 7 Ultimate x64 Steve Ballmer Edition

    Password protecting a file or briefcase?

    Recently my grandfather died. We went and got all his financial documents and such, (trust information, his bank information, etc...) and they are now all on my laptop in one folder. (and backed up on my external HDD that is in the safe)

    I share this laptop with my friend every now and then, and although I trust him completely not to harm my computer or steal, I would love the added benefit of protecting a certain folder.

    I don't want to add a new user or anything like that, as I am sure that would both hurt his feelings, and insult him.

    Is it possible to encrypt a specific folder or "briefcase"? I would much rather just add a password if possible. And somehow "lock" the file to the HDD so it can't be copied, or something along those lines...

    I searched on our site for "password folder" and got no results.....thus this post.

    Windows 7 Home Premium
    Core i5-2410m (amazing btw)
    5400rpm HDD.
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 17,796
    Windows 10, Home Clean Install

    I think this thread from our archives may be of help
    Hide folders from other users windows 7
    This tutorial may, also, help
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 207
    Windows 7 Ultimate x64 Steve Ballmer Edition
    Thread Starter

    I appreciate that, but I would rather have the password. I'm guessing from your response that's not easily doable, or possible without a third party program?
      My Computer

  4. Posts : 17,796
    Windows 10, Home Clean Install

    I can only say that I dont know how it can be done without software.
      My Computer

  5. Posts : 2,009
    Windows 7 Ultimate x86

    One of the simpelest and most effective ways to pw protect a file or folder:
    Just zip it up with 7zip, Winrar, Winzip etc. and use an efficiently sized password (which could easily be the first sentence in your favorite book...25-30 characters) That way any brute force pw cracker would fail due to the amount of possible permutations and dictionary lookups are out of the question anyways.
    Password protecting a file or briefcase?-capture.jpg
      My Computer


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