unable to remove malware? bug?
not sure how but ive picked up what i think is some malware. its an add-on tool bar called 'searchqu' and is by 'bandoo media inc'
i noticed it in my toolbar and deactivated it but my computer was progressively slower than normal. i decided to look into it when i kept getting 'windows explorer has stopped working' erros. this popped up everytime i tried opening a link in a new tab. that failed, error appeared and the link would open in a new window.
problem is. the toolbar and the company name dont appear in the remove programmes list. nor is there a programme in the start menu to highlight an uninstall option. searching the c: drive brings up 3 folders and a browser link. there are two folders within these which are called 'x64' and 'firefoxextension' if that helps.
ive searched with google and there are tonnes of jargon related fixes. downloading new software, uploading logs, deleting root files, moving this changing that. im a bit of a tech noob but can follow instructions quite well. please tell me removing this sort of unwanted s**t isnt that difficult?
i was using I/E 8 and i uninstalled that and installed I/E 9 hoping that would help but it is still there.
any help much appreciated.