I symphatize with you because there is no experience lke that when you wanna let something run in your pc and it ain't functioning right even when you seem to know it is right(with all that you are doing is right). Been there done that. Just to add.
Exclude all folders of MBAM in Trend Micro, SpyBot also. Exclude Trend Micro in both MBAM and SpyBot. One realtime only. Others on-demand.
On a ligther note. Yes sometimes Avast performs bad though popular. Rootkits and zip/packed files are trouble for Avast. In my system with Avast IS, I run it with additional of PrevxSOL and an on-demend of GMER every 2weeks. Avira though some say have a lot of FP's is better in detection and lighter. You just have to exclude again all folders of all your security apps in Scan>Exclusions and Guard>Exclusions. As for FP, it is better to have FP's and place them in quarantine than to have a non-detection. Take the case of Avast. ver1125 still has BSOD in some configs but it differs. As with all AV installation as well with other software apps having BSOD does not necessarily mean it cannot be solved. (But do remember all AV's miss something-somewhere-sometime and that is a fact.)
All AV's like Avira/Avast have ways to determine FP's in participation with the user. Submit it to them as you test it via VirusTotal, Jotti's and FilterBit. Send the results of all 3 as well. Avira replies in a span of 2 days max, mostly just a day. If you are jittery about letting an "in-doubt app flag as FP run" then run it in Sandboxie whilst decision is not yet reached.
Sending samples to Avast is a different situation as they reply as needed only. See here for some good read My AV: Sending samples for - Wilders Security Forums
SpyBot has many issues also I tried Bing search and well see Trend Micro issues with SpyBot_Bing search
Have VirusTotal Uploader ver2 in hand for fast sending of fles for test. Fact is an FP is better than non-detection. Tinkering with detection level hinders an apps capability to perform at it's level of effectiveness. I have in fact several pc's with different combinations:
- KAV + Comodo Firewall with D+ + MBAMPro (on-demand)
- Avast IS + PrevxSOL + Outpost Firewall Pro + MBAM Pro (on-demand)(GMER 2x week)
- Comodo IS (with AV) + PrevxSOL + SASPy Pro (on-demand)
- Avira Premium + Comodo Firewall with D+ + PrevxSOL + MBAM Pro on-demand
- Avira Premium Security Suite + Online Armor Premium + MBAM Pro(on-demand) + HitmanPro (on-demand)
- FSecure IS + MBAM Pro(realtime)+ HitmanPro (on-demand)
All of them with Sandboxie paid. They all play well nicely. I see to it that I check their performance weekly.
Layered security should be good but you should layer light. Exclude all folders in all your security apps for a no conflict situation. If something seems not working right. Uninstall 1 then test, leaving the main AV of your choice. In the end it is you who will decide what to run in your system. No advice will be pertinent to you if there is a known-conflict (and you are feeling it that it is so) and you still want to cross-your fingers and go using it.
I hope you find the answers you need and the combination you want efficiently.
Last edited by damien76; 14 May 2011 at 17:56.