Task Manager

  1. Posts : 2,298
    Windows 7 Professional x64 SP1 ; Windows Server 2012 R2 Standard

    Task Manager

    Hey guys,

    Just found something that could be useful if you have a Virus or something like that ,

    It is a Microsoft Office excel Spreadsheet

    You will need to enable Macros for it to work

    Also to use the commands just place the Letter that you want E.G "t" For Terminate into the Command Column and then click Execute commands

    Task Manager-macros.jpg

    Hope This Helps,
    Task Manager Attached Files
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 222
    Win 7 Ult + Starter, XP Pro +Home, 2kAS, Linux Mint 8, SuperOS

    Looks like something that could easily give you a virus or something like that!

    If you did not create it yourself, it would be polite to reference the original source.
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 2,298
    Windows 7 Professional x64 SP1 ; Windows Server 2012 R2 Standard
    Thread Starter

    A trusted Friend of mine made it ... I will (With his consent) Give you the email Address for him via PM if you would like to ask further questions

    This is the Macros Code for the Workbook

    Option Explicit
    Private Const TH32CS_SNAPHEAPLIST = &H1
    Private Const TH32CS_SNAPPROCESS = &H2
    Private Const TH32CS_SNAPTHREAD = &H4
    Private Const TH32CS_SNAPMODULE = &H8
    Private Const TH32CS_INHERIT = &H80000000
    Private Const MAX_PATH = 260
    Private Const INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE = -1&
    Private Const PROCESS_TERMINATE = &H1
    Private Const THREAD_SUSPEND_RESUME = &H2
    Private Const TOKEN_QUERY = &H8
    Private Const TokenUser = 1
    Private Type PROCESSENTRY32
        dwSize As Long
        cntUsage As Long
        th32ProcessID As Long
        th32DefaultHeapID As Long
        th32ModuleID As Long
        cntThreads As Long
        th32ParentProcessID As Long
        pcPriClassBase As Long
        dwFlags As Long
        szExeFile As String * MAX_PATH
    End Type
    Private Type THREADENTRY32
        dwSize As Long
        cntUsage As Long
        th32ThreadID As Long
        rh32OwnerProcessID As Long
        tpBasePri As Long
        tpDeltaPri As Long
        dwFlags As Long
    End Type
    Private Declare Function CreateToolhelp32Snapshot Lib "kernel32" (ByVal lFlags As Long, ByVal lProcessID As Long) As Long
    Private Declare Sub CloseHandle Lib "kernel32" (ByVal hPass As Long)
    Private Declare Function Process32First Lib "kernel32" (ByVal hSnapshot As Long, sPE32 As PROCESSENTRY32) As Long
    Private Declare Function Process32Next Lib "kernel32" (ByVal hSnapshot As Long, sPE32 As PROCESSENTRY32) As Long
    Private Declare Function OpenProcess Lib "kernel32.dll" (ByVal dwDesiredAccessas As Long, ByVal bInheritHandle As Boolean, ByVal dwProcId As Long) As Long
    Private Declare Function TerminateProcess Lib "kernel32" (ByVal hProcess As Long, ByVal uExitCode As Long) As Long
    Private Declare Function Thread32First Lib "kernel32" (ByVal hSnapshot As Long, uProcess As THREADENTRY32) As Long
    Private Declare Function Thread32Next Lib "kernel32" (ByVal hSnapshot As Long, uProcess As THREADENTRY32) As Long
    Private Declare Function OpenThread Lib "kernel32.dll" (ByVal dwDesiredAccess As Long, ByVal bInheritHandle As Boolean, ByVal dwThreadId As Long) As Long
    Private Declare Function SuspendThread Lib "kernel32.dll" (ByVal hThread As Long) As Integer
    Private Declare Function ResumeThread Lib "kernel32.dll" (ByVal hThread As Long) As Integer
    Private Declare Function OpenProcessToken Lib "advapi32.dll" (ByVal ProcessHandle As Long, ByVal DesiredAccess As Long, ByRef TokenHandle As Long) As Long
    Private Declare Function GetTokenInformation Lib "advapi32.dll" (ByVal TokenHandle As Long, ByVal TokenInformationClass As Long, TokenInformation As Any, ByVal TokenInformationLength As Long, ByRef ReturnLength As Long) As Long
    Private Declare Sub CopyMemory Lib "kernel32" Alias "RtlMoveMemory" (ByRef pTo As Any, ByRef uFrom As Any, ByVal lSize As Long)
    Private Declare Function GetLastError Lib "kernel32" () As Long
    Private Declare Function LookupAccountSid Lib "advapi32.dll" Alias "LookupAccountSidA" (ByVal lpSystemName As String, ByVal Sid As Long, ByVal name As String, cbName As Long, ByVal ReferencedDomainName As String, cbReferencedDomainName As Long, peUse As Long) As Long
    Private Function GetProcessOwner(ByVal lProcessID As Long) As String
        Dim hProcess As Long
        Dim hToken As Long
        Dim lNeeded As Long
        Dim abBuffer() As Byte
        Dim lpSid As Long
        Dim lpString As Long
        Dim strAccountName As String
        Dim lAccountName As Long
        Dim strDomainName As String
        Dim lDomainName As Long
        Dim peUse As Long
        GetProcessOwner = "Unknown"
        hProcess = OpenProcess(PROCESS_QUERY_INFORMATION, 0, lProcessID)
        If hProcess <> 0 Then
            If OpenProcessToken(hProcess, TOKEN_QUERY, hToken) <> 0 Then
                GetTokenInformation hToken, TokenUser, 0, 0, lNeeded
                ReDim abBuffer(0 To lNeeded)
                If GetTokenInformation(hToken, TokenUser, abBuffer(0), UBound(abBuffer), lNeeded) = 1 Then
                    CopyMemory lpSid, abBuffer(0), 4
                    strAccountName = Space(MAX_PATH)
                    strDomainName = Space(MAX_PATH)
                    lAccountName = MAX_PATH
                    lDomainName = MAX_PATH
                    If LookupAccountSid(vbNullString, lpSid, strAccountName, lAccountName, strDomainName, lDomainName, peUse) <> 0 Then
                        If strDomainName = "" Then
                            GetProcessOwner = Left(strAccountName, lAccountName)
                            GetProcessOwner = Left(strDomainName, lDomainName) & "\" & Left(strAccountName, lAccountName)
                        End If
                    End If
                End If
                Call CloseHandle(hToken)
            End If
            CloseHandle hProcess
        End If
    End Function
    Private Sub ProcessListToSheet(oCell)
        Dim hSnapshot As Long
        Dim sPE32 As PROCESSENTRY32
        Dim lRet As Long
        Dim strProcess As String
        Dim iIter As Integer
        Dim iColumn As Integer
        Dim iPositionNull As Integer
        hSnapshot = CreateToolhelp32Snapshot(TH32CS_SNAPPROCESS, 0&)
        If hSnapshot <> INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE Then
            sPE32.dwSize = Len(sPE32)
            lRet = Process32First(hSnapshot, sPE32)
            iIter = oCell.Row
            iColumn = oCell.Column
            Do While lRet
                iPositionNull = InStr(1, sPE32.szExeFile, Chr(0))
                If iPositionNull > 0 Then
                    strProcess = Left(sPE32.szExeFile, iPositionNull - 1)
                    strProcess = ""
                End If
                Cells(iIter, iColumn).Value = strProcess
                Cells(iIter, iColumn + 1).Value = sPE32.th32ProcessID
                Cells(iIter, iColumn + 2).Value = GetProcessOwner(sPE32.th32ProcessID)
                iIter = iIter + 1
                lRet = Process32Next(hSnapshot, sPE32)
            CloseHandle hSnapshot
        End If
    End Sub
    Private Sub SuspendProcessByID(ByVal lProcessID As Long, ByVal bSuspend As Boolean)
        Dim hSnapshot As Long
        Dim sTE32 As THREADENTRY32
        Dim hThread As Long
        Dim lRet As Long
        hSnapshot = CreateToolhelp32Snapshot(TH32CS_SNAPTHREAD, 0&)
        If hSnapshot <> INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE Then
            sTE32.dwSize = Len(sTE32)
            lRet = Thread32First(hSnapshot, sTE32)
            Do While lRet
                If sTE32.rh32OwnerProcessID = lProcessID Then
                    hThread = OpenThread(THREAD_SUSPEND_RESUME, False, sTE32.th32ThreadID)
                    If hThread <> 0 Then
                        If bSuspend Then
                            SuspendThread hThread
                            ResumeThread hThread
                        End If
                        CloseHandle hThread
                    End If
                End If
                lRet = Thread32Next(hSnapshot, sTE32)
            CloseHandle hSnapshot
        End If
    End Sub
    Private Sub TerminateProcessByID(ByVal lProcessID As Long)
        Dim hProcess As Long
        hProcess = OpenProcess(PROCESS_TERMINATE, 0, lProcessID)
        If hProcess <> 0 Then
            TerminateProcess hProcess, 0
            CloseHandle hProcess
        End If
    End Sub
    Private Sub ExecuteCommands(oCell)
        Dim iIter As Integer
        Dim iColumn As Integer
        iIter = oCell.Row
        iColumn = oCell.Column
        Do While Cells(iIter, iColumn + 1).Value <> ""
            Select Case LCase(Cells(iIter, iColumn).Value)
                Case "t":
                    TerminateProcessByID Cells(iIter, iColumn + 2).Value
                Case "s":
                    SuspendProcessByID Cells(iIter, iColumn + 2).Value, True
                Case "r":
                    SuspendProcessByID Cells(iIter, iColumn + 2).Value, False
            End Select
            iIter = iIter + 1
    End Sub
    Sub MacroProcessList()
        ProcessListToSheet Range("B7")
        Range("A6:D65000").Sort "Process executable", xlAscending, header:=xlYes
    End Sub
    Sub MacroExecuteCommands()
        ExecuteCommands Range("A7")
    End Sub
    Task Manager-capture.jpg
      My Computer

  4. Posts : 2,298
    Windows 7 Professional x64 SP1 ; Windows Server 2012 R2 Standard
    Thread Starter

    Norton , MBAM and MSE Say that it is Clean.
      My Computer


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