Quick question about MS Essentials installed on an XP machine

  1. Posts : 477
    Windows 7 & Windows 10

    Quick question about MS Essentials installed on an XP machine

    Quick question--if you have MS Essentials installed on an XP machine will the software update itself with this referenced program code or does the automatic update only apply to definitions?


      My Computer

  2. Posts : 112
    Windows® 7 Home Premium SP1 [x64]

    If I'm correct, which I strongly believe I am, the actual software/program updates for MSE (not the Def Updates) need to be done manually through either Windows/Microsoft Update or the MSE website itself.
      My Computer

  3.    #3

    Set updates to Automatic.
      My Computer

  4. Posts : 477
    Windows 7 & Windows 10
    Thread Starter

    Thanks--it is so I'm okay (or at least the software is <g>)
      My Computer

  5. Posts : 2,303
    Windows 7 & Windows Vista Ultimate

    markg2 said:
    Quick question--if you have MS Essentials installed on an XP machine will the software update itself with this referenced program code or does the automatic update only apply to definitions?


    Hi, markg2.

    There is generally a new engine update about once a month. It will be included with the regular definition update. However, if you wish, you can watch for it yourself next week when the next new engine update is released.
    As part of regular update of our antimalware technology to address the latest in the threat landscape, MMPC is planning to release a new antimalware engine on 18 May 2011.
    Affected products: Microsoft Security Essentials (MSE), Forefront Client Security (FCS), Forefront Endpoint Protection.
    Engine Version will be in the range of 1.1.690X.0.
    New Antimalware Engine is planned for release on 18 May 2011 - Antimalware Engine Notifications - Site Home - TechNet Blogs
      My Computer

  6. Posts : 477
    Windows 7 & Windows 10
    Thread Starter

    I'll have to check the computer on Monday to determine certainty but I'm very sure that I had set the application to auto update. Given that + your comment regarding engine updates ~ monthly + my experience with Norton I'm surprised that the software has not required a boot post each install given the level at which the software interacts.
      My Computer

  7. Posts : 2,303
    Windows 7 & Windows Vista Ultimate

    Hi, markg2.

    No, a restart isn't needed when the engine is updated. However, I seem to recall a restart was needed when upgrading to version 2.
      My Computer


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