I hope so too since I run the same with the addition of SpywareBlaster.
So that would be:
SAS has been a bit problematic as it never finds any tracking cookies like it used to. I know about tracking cookies and their role in security but my concern is why the program stopped finding them. I had conversations with people at SAS but they did not have an answer. It makes me a bit unsure of it's total effectiveness.
I have UAC on and would recommend it be on for most.
Regarding adding anything else, as has been mentioned having an on demand scanner program is certainly a good idea. Several good ones have been mentioned including Malwarebytes and SUPERAntiSpyware. There are others but those two are pretty darn popular and good.
Real-Time Protection - Microsoft Security Essentials, Windows Firewall, Windows Defender & Comodo Firewall.
Should I disable Windows Firewall/Defender?
Run Every Week - MalwareBytes Free, SuperAntiSpyware Free & Threatfire Free.
File/Drive Protection - Unlocker, Recuva and TrueCrypt
Cleanup (not Registry) - CCleaner with CCEnhancer.
General Protection - UAC Maxed, All Windows Updates installed, Java, Flash, Net Framework, and DirectX fully updated. Sandboxie, Secunia PSI, and EMET, and thinking if whether or not I should use a Virtual Machine. Secure Passwords (mixed and lengthy)
I have added exclusions for each program and vise virsa.
Browser Protection - Mozilla Firefox with AdBlock Plus and AdBlock Plus Popup Addon (excluded SevenForums). BetterPrivacy, BitDefender Quick Scan, BrowserProtect, Click&Clean, CookieKiller, FlashBlock, FlashGot, NoRedirect, NoScript, Optimize Google, Procon Latte Content Filter, QuickJava, RedirectRemover, RequestPolicy, WOT, and Ghostery.
Backup - None (except Windows Backup) tiny backups and some Dll backups for modified ones. If anyone can suggest me a good solid Free Backup Solution, please let me know.
I have been running this setup for over 2 weeks, with no problems.
Just dropped a check in the mail to get Malwarebytes Anti Malware. I hope the bought one works as good and better than the free one.