Nick.. if this not a false positive, why would you want to keep it and compromise your backup?? I would delete it..
ok. I thought one of the entries was xp mode, but its just a backup of it.
Don't forget that the XP mode is just that - XP, it has all the security issue potential that the full version has ...
Run all the anti-malware that you would in a real XP in the Virtual one - unless of course you are using the Virtual XP as a test environment
Saying that Backups that use compression can play all sorts of tricks on Heuristic Scanners - better to be safe than sorry though - boot up your live XP mode do a full deep scan from inside the virtual machine and when your sure that it is clean replace the backup
yeah I cleaned it. It wasnt actually Xp Mode, just a backup.
mse have few false positive.. its most probably a virus