Quick question about Adobe download pages on Firefox
Sorry to bug you with this, but I just want to be safe.
Earlier today, I followed the instructions here...
Uninstall Flash Player | Windows uninstall Adobe Flash Player, both the ActiveX version for Internet Explorer and the plugin version for Firefox, on my laptop while trying to solve a problem that was occurring on both it and my main PC. After reinstalling it for IE, I went to reinstall it in Firefox but found that the download page was different. It redirected me from to, and did the same when I went to the Reader download page. The layout of the page is different but appears to have the same information on it as what I'm used to seeing.
I haven't uninstalled Flash on my PC, and when I try to use the get2 link on it, I get redirected to The get2 redirecting only happens on my laptop and only in Firefox.
I just wanted to ask quickly if the get2 download link was legit and safe, what I may have done to cause the redirecting, and what the ?no_ab=1 means. Again, sorry to bother you with something so trivial, but I just thought I'd ask for peace of mind:).