Once again Greg thanks most sincerely for your guidance. Unfortunately I don't have a clue how I picked up the ransomware, I'm usually most careful and cannot recall doing anything untoward with my PC. I tend not to download freeware but I'm sure some of it is good genuine and helpful stuff. I do back up regularly to an external HDD (Western Digital) but I've never tried the cloud. Maybe it's something I should look into. Thank you for the links.
Take care and thank you again.
No program is a silver bullet. Including malwarebytes.
I find that malwarebytes like most programs uses definitions and signatures, so it needs to be constantly updated. I would make sure malwarebytes settings are set to update in realtime every 30 minutes.
Here are (my) security recommendations:
I know this is a very long wall of text, But following the below will greatly reduce your chances of becoming infected again.
I advise you to install and use the following Free security programs/solutions so you do not get infected again:
-Panda antivirus -You can only have 1 antivirus installed at a time, I recommend using this one and uninstalling what you are using now.
-Should I remove it
-Web of Trust
-Set up open dns
Run them/scan around once every 2 weeks. Unfortunately no program out there is a silver bullet-one program to protect you entirely. So due to this, it is necessary to have a couple of products to help keep you safe on all fronts.
Panda Cloud Antivirus: Panda cloud AV is a great free program that uses the cloud (the internet) to scan your pc for threats. This antivirus works very well at detecting the newest threats, as well as some unknown ones that have not yet been discovered. For information on how to use it, the manual is located here.
Malwarebytes: This is a great program to use to scan your pc for malware that your antivirus might possibly miss or not look for. A guide on how to use it can be found here.
Superantispyware: This is a great second opinion scanner which will scan for spyware and other types of PUPS. (Potentially unwanted programs.)
Should I remove it: This is not a malware scanner. What it does is it looks at all of the installed programs on your PC and gives you a percentage % of how many people uninstall the software. If the percentage % is high, I would remove it as it is most likely not a good program. It also gives a ton of information about what the program does and how it behaves.
WOT: (web of trust) is a very helpful browser addon that works with all web browsers and helps you to avoid nasty sites that have been known to host malware and the like. It uses a rating system by users as well as there own internal site investigations to place websites into categories and mark whether or not they are safe. It is a good tool to help you avoid clicking on a bad link in the first place.
Open DNS: is a service that helps you block known malware sites before they even reach your PC entirely. It also can be configured to block adult sites, and filter out other web sites based on categories. All for free. Not only does it protect your computers, but other devices as well.
For more information, see here:
If it looks to advanced for you, it actually isn't very hard to set up. See the very first link above (set up open dns) which will take you to the setup page. You do not need to create an account if you wish not to. There is a link in the bottom right hand corner to avoid making an account if you do not want it. They have directions on how to apply it to your computer, or your router so that every device on your network can be protected.
Making windows security better for you and anyone using your PC:
I also suggest using a standard user account in windows, and only using an admin account when you need to install software. If you have family members sharing your pc, create standard user accounts for them. See this link below on how to do so:
User Account - Create
When using a standard account and you make a change or install a program that affects the whole system, UAC will prompt you to continue. Make sure the setting or program you are tying to install is listed, then click yes to continue. If you are just browsing the web and the prompt appears with a program you have not heard of, or do not know what it is, it is much safer to click no then yes. No will block the action, and if you were trying to do something, you can always start it again and choose yes.
UAC makes this easy, see here:
What is user account control (UAC)?
I also suggest choosing always notify for UAC:
What are User Account Control settings?
I also recommend that you use bleeping computers suggestions which can be found here:
How to keep your computer safe online
So how Did I get Infected?
Those are my recommendations to you, and I Highly suggest you follow them.
Last edited by andrew129260; 29 Jun 2014 at 07:37.
WOW! Andrew, what can I say. I am ever impressed by people's willingness to help. It must have taken you an age to compose and check your advsory message here. I will take time to carefully go through and check/try all of your suggestions. I do have already the paid-for version of MBAM and SASW and use them regularly. MBAM is updated automatically. Co-incidentally I've just emailled Malwarebytes customer support because today I have received the update reminder about every 10 minutes or so. I've asked them to help me to correct the problem.
Thank you very much for your kindness.
Best wishes.
I wonder what kind of performance hit running your AV (MSE?), MBAM and SAS real time all at once. I've had several users who get chronically infected install MBAM REal Time and they never got infected again. But I dont' think I would have gone the extra mile by buying SAS real time, but just use its scanner occasionally.
Don't forget to monitor your browser Add-Ons and Search to keep out everything except Flash, reader, Silverlight and Google in the stable search box where most won't let them spy.
Last edited by gregrocker; 02 Jul 2014 at 10:05.
Hi Greg. Hope you're having a good day. It's 2000hrs here in France (I'm English). Thank you yet again for taking time to communicate with me. As always your advice is duly and gratefully noted.
Well, my combo is actually quite light.
But I do not have superantispyware paid edition. Only free. I don't think that the paid superantispyware would take much resources though. Maybe about 20-30mb.
Nowadays ram really is not much of a issue. So having these real time programs running should not effect anything, as long as you only have those starting up with your pc.
If you have 200 things at bootup plus all the security stuff, then ya.
Thanks Andrew. Goiod advice is always welcome. I tend to print and store in a folder for future use.
Thank you for your time on my behalf.
Are you UK or elsewhere?
Best wishes.