Virus Has Moved All Files To Hidden Directory
I took my memory stick to a computer place to get something printed. When I got home, I put the memory stick into my home PC and the virus scanner removed 5 trojans and pronounced it clean.
The problem is that all the files are in a new directory that is hidden or something. I can find the directory using CMD, but it appears to be a nameless directory ... like with a space or something, so I cannot use the attrib command to remove the hidden, system, whatever flag this thing has.
I cannot find the hidden directory using windows. Yes, I've tried going to search options and clicking show hidden. I've also tried going to the control panel to click appearance and personalization. There is no such option under control panel -- there's only a personalization, and it doesn't include that option.
How can I move those files out of this hidden directory and back onto the j:\ ?