FYI - Just detected by Norton. I had to disable another Anti Virus.

  1. Posts : 851
    Microsoft Windows 7 Professional 64-bit 7601 Multiprocessor Free Service Pack 1

    FYI - Just detected by Norton. I had to disable another Anti Virus.

    Per Norton, I had to disable another Anti-Virus to get Norton to execute?

    I'm unsure if this a NEW virus or old hat!

    Best regards,

    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails FYI - Just detected by Norton. I had to disable another Anti Virus.-capture-windows-7-user-forum..png  
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 3,872
    win 8 32 bit

    You cant have 2 AV live as they interfere with each other
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 851
    Microsoft Windows 7 Professional 64-bit 7601 Multiprocessor Free Service Pack 1
    Thread Starter

    I'm still fighting this Virus, Hack, Trojan, whatever it is!

    Thanks for the feedback.

    I am working the issue a little further and WOW, it was still there in some form or another.

    I was able to create a fresh copy of Windows-7 Pro 64Bit and load it.

    Then I tried to install Simplix for August 2024 but was hampered by something, but I do not know what.

    As Simplex tried to apply Updates or whatever, I kept getting a Message that it could not continue for some reason, cancel or retry.

    I kept cancelling but Simplix kept trying to complete normally.

    After replying about 25 times to this message, Simplex completed and claimed a successful install / update.

    I then tried to download Norton and install it.

    Norton complained about another Anti-Virus running and required it to be shut down, uninstalled.

    I then ran Norton against the "original C:\ drive" in my actual HACKED PC.

    Norton ran and disclosed TWO iterations of a Threat called: "Scr.Malcodelgen".

    One iteration on each of the PC's drives.

    Then I realized I had at the time of the Hack; an External USB Backup Drive connected to the PC.

    I have Norton running against it right now.

    Since it's a Backup Drive and on an external USB, it will take some time.

    Has any Forum Member encountered this whatever before and might you offer any cautionary feedback?

    Best regards,

    Mike Lynch
    Last edited by Mike Lynch; 03 Sep 2024 at 15:40.
      My Computer


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