Reseting security setting to default via defltbase.inf

  1. Posts : 2

    Reseting security setting to default via defltbase.inf

    Hi, I'm a recovering victim of the "C:\ is not accessible" bug.

    I recently found this which uses cmd to edit security settings:

    Sample command to reset security settings

    The steps below do not apply to Windows XP Home Edition, or Windows Vista Home Basic and Home Premium editions. To restore security setting for Home editions, either use the Microsoft Fix, System Restore or a backup.Note After security settings are applied, you cannot undo the changes without restoring from a backup. If you are uncertain about how to restore your security settings to the default settings, you must make a complete backup that includes the System State (the registry files). Items that are reset include NTFS file system files and folders, the registry, policies, services, permissions , and group membership.

    To restore your operating system to the original installation default security settings, follow these steps:

    1. Click Start, click Run, type cmd, and then press ENTER.
    2. In Windows XP, type the following command, and then press ENTER:secedit /configure /cfg %windir%\repair\secsetup.inf /db secsetup.sdb /verbose
      In Windows Vista, type the following command, and then press ENTER:secedit /configure /cfg %windir%\inf\defltbase.inf /db defltbase.sdb /verbose
      You receive a "Task is completed" message and a warning message that something could not be done. You can safely ignore this message. For more information about this message, see the %windir%\Security\Logs\Scesrv.log file.

    Next steps After you run this Microsoft Fix it (or complete these manual steps), standard user accounts may no longer appear on the log on screen when you start your computer or try to switch users. This occurs because standard user accounts are removed from the Users group when you reset Windows security settings. To add the affected users accounts back to the Users group, follow these steps:

    1. Click Start, and then All Programs. Or click Programs.
    2. Click Accessories, and then click Command Prompt (Windows XP). Or right-click Command Prompt, and then click Run As Administrator (Windows Vista).
    3. In the Command Prompt window, type net users and then press ENTER. A list of user accounts is displayed.
    4. For each accountname listed in the Command Prompt that is missing from the log on or switch user screen, type the following command and then press ENTER:

      net localgroup users accountname /add
    5. Now go to the "Did this fix the problem?" section.

    More information In Windows Vista, the Defltbase.inf file is a Security configuration template for the default security. You can view the settings for this file in the following location: %windir%\inf\defltbase.inf
    Back to the top
    Secedit parameters description

    • /configure: Specifies that Secedit.exe sets system security settings.
    • /DB file_name: Provides the path of a database that contains the security template to be applied. This is a required argument. However, the database file does not have to exist if you use the /CFG switch to specify a security template.
    • /CFG file_name: This argument is valid only when you use it with the /DB parameter. It is the path of the security template that will be imported into the database and applied to the system. If you do not specify this argument, the template that is already stored in the database is applied.
    • /overwrite: This argument is valid only when the /CFG argument is also used. This argument specifies whether the security template in the /CFG/CFG argument is appended to the stored template. argument overwrites any template or composite template that is stored in the database instead of appending the results to the stored template. If this is not specified, the template in the
    • /areas AreaName1AreaName2...: Specifies the security areas to be applied to the system. The default is "all areas." Each area must be separated by a space. Collapse this tableExpand this table
      AreaNameX Description SECURITYPOLICYLocal policy and domain policy for the system. This includes account policies, audit policies, and other policies.GROUP_MGMTRestricted group settings for any groups that are specified in the security template.USER_RIGHTSUser logon rights and granting of permissions.REGKEYSSecurity on local registry keys. FILESTORESecurity on local file storage. SERVICESSecurity for all defined services.

      Note Each area coincides with a similar name in the security template.
    • /log logpath: You can use this switch to configure the location of the log file that tracks the changes.
    • /verbose: Specifies more detailed progress information.
    • /quiet: Reduces the feedback that is provided during the update on the screen and in the log file.

    For online Help about Secedit, click Start, click Run, type %windir%\help\secedit.chm, and then press ENTER.
    Ok so I tried that but it doesn't work (also tried it in safe mode)

    I downloaded a program called 'Unlocker 1.8.8' which allows you to edit, move or delete files eventhough they're on 'locked down'.

    Basically what I want to know is how do you edit the 'defltbase.inf' itself instead of typing that cmd command? And is the 'defltbase.inf' the right file to be editing?

    Here is what is in the .inf file, so you guys can just bold what needs to be changed

    ; Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
    ; Security Configuration Template for Security Configuration Editor
    ; Template Name: DefltWK.INF
    ; Template Version: 05.10.DW.0000
    ; Default Security for Vista

    [Profile Description]


    [System Access]
    ;Account Policies - Password Policy
    MinimumPasswordAge = 0
    MaximumPasswordAge = 42
    MinimumPasswordLength = 0
    PasswordComplexity = 0
    PasswordHistorySize = 0
    RequireLogonToChangePassword = 0
    ClearTextPassword = 0
    LSAAnonymousNameLookup = 0
    EnableGuestAccount = 0
    EnableAdminAccount = 0

    ;Account Policies - Lockout Policy
    LockoutBadCount = 0
    ;ResetLockoutCount = 30
    ;LockoutDuration = 30

    ;Local Policies - Security Options
    ;DC Only
    ;ForceLogoffWhenHourExpire = 0

    ;NewAdministatorName =
    ;NewGuestName =

    ;Event Log - Log Settings
    ;Audit Log Retention Period:
    ;0 = Overwrite Events As Needed
    ;1 = Overwrite Events As Specified by Retention Days Entry
    ;2 = Never Overwrite Events (Clear Log Manually)

    [System Log]
    MaximumLogSize = 20480
    AuditLogRetentionPeriod = 0
    ;RetentionDays = 7
    RestrictGuestAccess = 1

    [Security Log]
    MaximumLogSize = 20480
    AuditLogRetentionPeriod = 0
    ;RetentionDays = 7
    RestrictGuestAccess = 1

    [Application Log]
    MaximumLogSize = 20480
    AuditLogRetentionPeriod = 0
    ;RetentionDays = 7
    RestrictGuestAccess = 1

    ;Registry Values
    [Registry Values]
    ; Registry value name in full path = Type, Value
    ; REG_SZ ( 1 )
    ; REG_EXPAND_SZ ( 2 ) // with environment variables to expand
    ; REG_BINARY ( 3 )
    ; REG_DWORD ( 4 )
    ; REG_MULTI_SZ ( 7 )


    ;Domain Controllers Only

    MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\Print\Providers\LanMan Print Services\Servers\AddPrinterDrivers=4,0

    MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Kernel\ObCaseInsensitive=4,1
    MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Memory Management\ClearPageFileAtShutdown=4,0
    MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\ProtectionMode=4,1




    ;Potential to take on different values during and after setup
    ;MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Driver Signing\Policy=3,1
    ;MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Non-Driver Signing\Policy=3,0


    MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Setup\RecoveryConsole\SecurityLevel=4,0
    MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Setup\RecoveryConsole\SetCommand=4,0

    MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon\ScRemoveOption=1,0


    ; remove lsarpc, samr and netlogon from anonymously accessible pipes
    MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\LanmanServer\Parameters\NullSessionPipes=8,Remove:,lsarpc, samr,netlogon

    ; Privileges & Rights
    ;World S-1-1-0
    ;NT Authority S-1-5
    ;Built-In Domain SubAuthority = S-1-5-32
    ;USERS 545
    ;GUESTS 546
    ;ACCOUNT_OPS 548
    ;SYSTEM_OPS 549
    ;PRINT_OPS 550
    ;BACKUP_OPS 551
    ;RAS_SERVERS 553
    ;WdiServiceHost S-1-5-80-3139157870-2983391045-3678747466-658725712-1809340420
    ;ALL SERVICES S-1-5-80-0

    [Privilege Rights]
    SeAssignPrimaryTokenPrivilege = *S-1-5-19, *S-1-5-20
    SeAuditPrivilege = *S-1-5-19, *S-1-5-20
    SeBatchLogonRight = *S-1-5-32-544, *S-1-5-32-551, *S-1-5-32-559
    SeBackupPrivilege = *S-1-5-32-544, *S-1-5-32-551
    SeChangeNotifyPrivilege = *S-1-5-32-544, *S-1-5-32-551, *S-1-5-32-545, *S-1-1-0, *S-1-5-19, *S-1-5-20
    SeCreateGlobalPrivilege = *S-1-5-6, *S-1-5-32-544, *S-1-5-19, *S-1-5-20
    SeCreatePagefilePrivilege = *S-1-5-32-544
    SeCreatePermanentPrivilege =
    SeCreateSymbolicLinkPrivilege = *S-1-5-32-544
    SeCreateTokenPrivilege =
    SeDebugPrivilege = *S-1-5-32-544
    SeImpersonatePrivilege = *S-1-5-6, *S-1-5-32-544, *S-1-5-19, *S-1-5-20
    SeIncreaseBasePriorityPrivilege = *S-1-5-32-544
    SeIncreaseQuotaPrivilege = *S-1-5-32-544, *S-1-5-19, *S-1-5-20
    SeIncreaseWorkingSetPrivilege = *S-1-5-32-545
    SeInteractiveLogonRight = *S-1-5-32-544, *S-1-5-32-551, *S-1-5-32-545, &-501
    SeLoadDriverPrivilege = *S-1-5-32-544
    SeLockMemoryPrivilege =
    SeMachineAccountPrivilege =
    SeManageVolumePrivilege = *S-1-5-32-544
    SeNetworkLogonRight = *S-1-5-32-544, *S-1-5-32-551, *S-1-5-32-545, *S-1-1-0
    SeProfileSingleProcessPrivilege = *S-1-5-32-544
    SeRemoteInteractiveLogonRight = *S-1-5-32-544, *S-1-5-32-555
    SeRemoteShutdownPrivilege = *S-1-5-32-544
    SeRestorePrivilege = *S-1-5-32-544, *S-1-5-32-551
    SeSecurityPrivilege = *S-1-5-32-544
    SeServiceLogonRight = *S-1-5-80-0
    SeShutdownPrivilege = *S-1-5-32-544, *S-1-5-32-551, *S-1-5-32-545
    SeSystemEnvironmentPrivilege = *S-1-5-32-544
    SeSystemProfilePrivilege = *S-1-5-32-544, *S-1-5-80-3139157870-2983391045-3678747466-658725712-1809340420
    SeSystemTimePrivilege = *S-1-5-32-544, *S-1-5-19
    SeTakeOwnershipPrivilege = *S-1-5-32-544
    SeTcbPrivilege =
    SeTimeZonePrivilege = *S-1-5-32-544, *S-1-5-19, *S-1-5-32-545
    SeDenyInteractiveLogonRight = &-501
    SeDenyBatchLogonRight =
    SeDenyServiceLogonRight =
    SeDenyNetworkLogonRight = &-501
    SeDenyRemoteInteractiveLogonRight =
    SeUndockPrivilege = *S-1-5-32-544, *S-1-5-32-545
    SeSyncAgentPrivilege =
    SeEnableDelegationPrivilege =

    [Group Membership]
    *S-1-5-32-545__Memberof =
    *S-1-5-32-545__Members = *S-1-5-11,*S-1-5-4

    [Service General Setting]
    ;Note: startup type should not be configured during setup\dcpromo.


    ;Not autostarted if machine is standalone

    ;Server Only Services

    ;IIS Specific Services - Leave them alone

    [Registry Keys]




    ;The following keys do not exist when we run
    "MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Group Policy",1,"D:AR"




    "MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Keyboard Layouts",2,"D:(A;CI;GR;;;WD)"
    "MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\LSA\JD",2,"D:P(A;CI;GA;;;BA)(A;CI;GA;;;SY)(A;CI;GA;;;C O)"
    "MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\LSA\Skew1",2,"D:P(A;CI;GA;;;BA)(A;CI;GA;;;SY)(A;CI;GA;;;CO )"
    "MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\LSA\GBG",2,"D:P(A;CI;GA;;;BA)(A;CI;GA;;;SY)(A;CI;GA;;; CO)"
    "MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\LSA\Data",2,"D:P(A;CI;GA;;;BA)(A;CI;GA;;;SY)(A;CI;GA;;;CO) "
    "MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Nsi",2,"D:P(A;CI;KR;;;BU)(A;CI;KA;;;BA)(A;CI;KA;;;SY)(A;CI ;CCDCLCSWRPWPSDRC;;;NS)(A;CI;CCDCLCSWRPWPSDRC;;;LS)(A;CI;CCDCLCSWRPSDRC;;;NO)(A;CI;CCDCLCSWRPWPSDRC; ;;S-1-5-80-2940520708-3855866260-481812779-327648279-1710889582)(A;CIIO;RC;;;S-1-3-4)"
    "MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Nsi\{eb004a00-9b1a-11d4-9123-0050047759bc}\4",2,"D:P(A;CI;CCDCLCSWRPRC;;;AU)(A;CI;CCDCLCSWRPWPSDRC;;;LS)(A;CI;CCDCLCSWRPWPSDRC;;; NS)(A;CI;GA;;;BA)(A;CI;GA;;;SY)(A;CIIO;RC;;;S-1-3-4)"
    "MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Nsi\{eb004a01-9b1a-11d4-9123-0050047759bc}\4",2,"D:P(A;CI;CCDCLCSWRPRC;;;AU)(A;CI;CCDCLCSWRPWPSDRC;;;LS)(A;CI;CCDCLCSWRPWPSDRC;;; NS)(A;CI;GA;;;BA)(A;CI;GA;;;SY)(A;CIIO;RC;;;S-1-3-4)"
    "MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Nsi\{eb004a1C-9b1a-11d4-9123-0050047759bc}\0",2,"D:P(A;CI;CCDCLCSWRPRC;;;AU)(A;CI;CCDCLCSWRPWPSDRC;;;LS)(A;CI;CCDCLCSWRPWPSDRC;;; NS)(A;CI;GA;;;BA)(A;CI;GA;;;SY)(A;CIIO;RC;;;S-1-3-4)"
    "MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\WMI\Security",2,"D:P(A;CI;GR;;;BA)(A;CI;GA;;;SY)(A;CI;GA;; ;CO)(A;CIOI;GA;;;S-1-5-80-880578595-1860270145-482643319-2788375705-1540778122)"

    ;Set security subkey permissions for those services created via default hives

    ;Set security subkey permissions for those services created in GUI-mode setup before SCE runs
    "MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\SysmonLog\Log Queries",2,"D:(A;CI;GA;;;NS)(A;CI;CCDCLCSWSDRC;;;LU)"
    "MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Hardware Profiles",1,"D:AR"

    [File Security]

    ;Need to use the SceInfProgramFiles environment var to handle the Win9x upgrade case which is treated like clean-install
    ;"%SystemDrive%\%SCEInfProgramFiles%",2,"D:P(A;CIOI;GRGX;;;BU)(A;CIOI;GA;;;BA)(A;CIOI;GA;;;SY)(A;CIO I;GA;;;CO)"

    "%SceInfCommonProgramFiles%\SpeechEngines\Microsoft\TTS",2,"D:P(A;CIOI;GRGX;;;BU)(A;CIOI;GA;;;BA)(A; CIOI;GA;;;SY)(A;CIOI;GA;;;CO)"

    ;Win64 ProgramFiles Directory
    ;@6:"%SceInfProgramFilesx86%",2,"D:P(A;CIOI;GRGX;;;BU)(A;CIOI;GA;;;BA)(A;CIOI;GA;;;SY)(A;CIOI;GA;;;C O)"

    ; ProgramData Folder (Typically \ProgramData)
    "%PROGRAMDATA%\Microsoft\Windows\DRM",0,"D:P(D;CIOI;GA;;;BG)(D;CIOI;GA;;;LG)(A;;0x1e01ff;;;WD)(A;OIC IIO;GA;;;WD)(A;;GA;;;SY)S:(ML;;0x1;;;LW)"
    "%PROGRAMDATA%\Microsoft\Windows\DRM\Cache",0,"D:P(D;CIOI;GA;;;BG)(D;CIOI;GA;;;LG)(A;;0x1e01ff;;;WD) (A;OICIIO;GA;;;WD)(A;;GA;;;SY)S:(ML;;0x1;;;LW)"

    ;System Root (Typically \WINDOWS)


    ;System Directory (Typically \Windows\System32)



    ;Directories with no legacy to preserve. Different from parent.

    ;Directories that do not exist when security applied during clean-install - Creator specifies directory security.
    ;We explicitly ignore so as not to whack the component-specified DIRECTORY security on upgrade or reapplication of defaults.

    ; Directories that might not exist when security is applied; but are listed here
    ; so that they get secured correctly on converting the file system to NTFS
    "%SystemDirectory%\Windows media",2,"D:P(A;CIOI;GRGX;;;BU)(A;CIOI;GRGWGXSD;;;NS)(A;CIOI;GA;;;BA)(A;CIOI;GA;;;SY)(A;CIOI;GA;;;CO )"

    ; SysWOW64 directories

    ;Individual File Settings.


    SceInfAdministrator = "Administrator"
    SceInfAcountOp = "Account Operators"
    SceInfAuthUsers = "Authenticated Users"
    SceInfInteractive = "INTERACTIVE"
    SceInfDomainAdmins = "Domain Admins"
    SceInfDomainGuests = "Domain Guests"
    SceInfDomainUsers = "Domain Users"
    SceInfEveryone = "Everyone"
    SceInfGuests = "Guests"
    SceInfGuest = "Guest"
    SceInfUsers = "Users"
    SceInfLocalService = "Local Service"
    SceInfNetworkService = "Network Service"
    SceInfRemoteDesktopUsers = "Remote Desktop Users"
    SceInfProgramFiles = "%ProgramFiles%"
    SceInfProgramFilesx86 = "%ProgramFiles(x86)%"
    SceInfCommonProgramFiles = "%CommonProgramFiles%"
    SCEInfSysdir1 = ""
    SCEInfSysdir2 = "edit.hlp"
    SCEInfHelp1 = "signin.hlp"
    For interests sake, this whole nightmare began when I tried to share my C:\ with my bro's XP pc. Since then I've been locked out my C:\ with nobody having the rights to go in, not even him!

    I'd appreciate any help,
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 2
    Thread Starter

    Oh and thanks to the mod for moving this to the right section :)
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 3
    Windows 7 Pro

    Did you try booting off the Installation DVD and running repair?
      My Computer


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