Logging off... Text Message - Change

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    Logging off... Text Message - Change

    Logging off... Text Message - Change

    How to Change "Logging off..." Text Message at Shut Down in Vista and Windows 7
    Published by
    Designer Media Ltd

    How to Change "Logging off..." Text Message at Shut Down in Vista and Windows 7

    This will show you how to change the Logging off... text message you get after clicking on Log off or Shut Down in Windows 7 and Vista to any text message that you want it to say instead.

    You can only do this tutorial while logged on as an administrator.

    If you run a sfc /scannow command, then you will lose all changes made to the system file in the tutorial below since it and all other system files will be restored back to default by the command.

    For Windows 7 Only:

    Making a mistake while modifying system files can render your Windows 7 installation unusable. To be safe, you should create a restore point before doing this tutorial in case you need to do a system restore at boot using the restore point to undo any mistakes that may be made.

    EXAMPLE: Default and Changed "Logging off..." Text Message at Shut Down
    NOTE: By default you get a Logging off... message right before the Shutting down... message after you shut down the computer.
    Logging off... Text Message - Change-logging_off_example.jpg

    Logging off... Text Message - Change-changed.jpg


    Change "Logging off..." Text Message at Log off or Shut Down

    1. In Windows Explorer, navigate to C:\Windows\System32\en-US\winlogon.exe.mui. (see screenshot below)
    The en-US folder is in English Windows 7 copies. If you have a non-English Windows 7 copy, then this folder will have a different name reflecting your language instead. The table below are a few of the most common ones.

    Folder Name Language
    da-DK Danish
    en-GB English-Great Britian
    en-US English-U.S.
    fi-FI Finnish
    fr-FR French
    de-DE German
    el-GR Greek
    it-IT Italian
    no-NO Norwegian
    es-ES Spanish
    sv-SE Swedish
    Logging off... Text Message - Change-step1.jpg
    2. Take ownership of the winlogon.exe.mui file with your user account, and set it's permissions to Allow your user account Full Control. Close Windows Explorer when finished.

    3. Copy the winlogon.exe.mui file to your desktop.

    4. If you have not already, then download and install the latest version of Resource Hacker.
    5. Right click on the Resource Hacker shortcut in Start Menu - All Programs, then click on Run as administrator. (see screenshot below)
    Logging off... Text Message - Change-start_menu.jpg
    6. If prompted by UAC, then click on Yes.

    7. In Resource Hacker, click on File and Open. (see screenshot below)
    Logging off... Text Message - Change-step2.jpg
    8. Navigate to your Desktop, select All Files (*.*) in the Files of type drop down box, select the winlogon.exe.mui file, then click on the Open button. (see screenshot below)
    Logging off... Text Message - Change-change_step-3.jpg
    9. In the left pane of Resource Hacker, expand String Table, and 63, to 1033. (see screenshot below)
    Logging off... Text Message - Change-step4.jpg
    10. In the right pane of 1033, replace the Logging off... text in quotes at the 1003 location with the text you want instead (ex: Logging off users...) within quotes, then click on the Compile Script button. (see screenshot above and below)
    Logging off... Text Message - Change-step5.jpg
    11. Click on File and Save, then close Resource Hacker. (see screenshot below)
    Logging off... Text Message - Change-step6.jpg
    12. Copy the modified winlogon.exe.mui file on your Desktop, and Paste it into the C:\Windows\System32\en-US folder from step 1. (see screenshot below step 1)
    NOTE: The en-US folder is in English Windows 7 copies. If you have a non-English Windows 7 copy, then this folder will have a different name reflecting your language instead.

    13. Click on Copy and Replace. (see screenshot below)
    Logging off... Text Message - Change-copy.jpg
    14. If prompted, click on Continue (UAC) and Yes to approve.

    15. Open a elevated command prompt, type mcbuilder, press Enter, then close the command prompt. (see screenshot below)
    NOTE: Thanks to Fimble for pointing this out.
    Logging off... Text Message - Change-cmd.jpg
    16. Restart the computer.

    17. Open the Start Menu and click on either Log off or Shut Down in the arrow menu to see the changes made.
    WARNING: Be sure to save anything that you have open first.

    18. You can delete the winlogon.exe_original.mui backup that ResHacker created on your desktop if you like since you can easily do OPTION TWO below to restore the default settings.


    Restore Default "Logging off..." Text Message at Log off or Shut Down

    1. Repeat OPTION ONE above, but type Logging off... in step 10 instead.

    That's it,
    Shawn Brink

  1. Posts : 2,737
    Windows 7 Enterprise (x64); Windows Server 2008 R2 (x64)

    Very nice!
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 72,955
    64-bit Windows 11 Pro for Workstations
    Thread Starter

    Thank you sir. :)
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 76
    windows 7

    great job
      My Computer

  4. Posts : 72,955
    64-bit Windows 11 Pro for Workstations
    Thread Starter

    Thank you Dew. :)
      My Computer

  5. Posts : 66
    windows 7

    my pc say can not save why i got it as admin
      My Computer

  6. Posts : 72,955
    64-bit Windows 11 Pro for Workstations
    Thread Starter

    Hello Drifking,

    Are you logged in as an administrator, and right clicked on Resource Hacker and clicked on "Run as administrator"?

    If you did, then try this instead:
    • Copy the winlogon.exe.mui file to your desktop.
    • Make the changes to this copy on your desktop using the tutorial instead of the actual System32\en-US\winlogon.exe.mui files.
    • If you had not already from step 2, take ownership and set the permissions of the actual System32\en-US\winlogon.exe.mui file to "Allow" your user account "Full Control".
    • Copy the winlogon.exe.mui file from your desktop and "Paste" it into the System32\en-US folder to replace the System32\en-US\winlogon.exe.mui file with the modified one on your desktop.
    • Restart the computer to apply.
    Hope this helps,
    Last edited by Brink; 04 Dec 2010 at 10:28.
      My Computer

  7. Posts : 66
    windows 7

    thanks i will try
    thanks again.....
      My Computer

  8. Posts : 1
    Windows 7 Home Premium 32Bit

    hello brink,
    i got problem for this,i already did everything,but nothing happen...
    can u help solve the problem...?

      My Computer

  9. Posts : 72,955
    64-bit Windows 11 Pro for Workstations
    Thread Starter

    Hello Huato, and welcome to Seven Forums.

    Double check through each step to make sure that you didn't miss anything by mistake, If you are having any problems/errors with a step, please just let me know.
      My Computer

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