Windows Live Mail Ribbon Toolbar - Hide or Show

    Windows Live Mail Ribbon Toolbar - Hide or Show

    Windows Live Mail Ribbon Toolbar - Hide or Show

    How to Hide or Show the Ribbon in Windows Live Mail
    Published by
    Designer Media Ltd

    How to Hide or Show the Ribbon in Windows Live Mail

    This tutorial will show you how to expand (show) or minimize (hide) the ribbon in Windows Live Mail.

    EXAMPLE: Windows Live Mail Ribbon Expanded and Minimized
    Windows Live Mail Ribbon Toolbar - Hide or Show-wlm_ribbon_expanded.jpg

    Windows Live Mail Ribbon Toolbar - Hide or Show-wlm_ribbon_minimized.jpg
    Here's How:

    1. While in Windows Live Mail, do step 2, 3, or 4 below for the method you would like to use.

    2. Press the CTRL + F1 to toggle to expand or minimize the ribbon.


    3. Right click anywhere on the top tab bar, and click on Minimize the Ribbon or Minimize the Ribbon.
    Windows Live Mail Ribbon Toolbar - Hide or Show-tab_bar.jpg

    4. Click/tap on the arrow at the far right of the tab bar to toggle to expand or minimize the ribbon.
    Windows Live Mail Ribbon Toolbar - Hide or Show-arrow.jpg
    That's it,

  1. Posts : 509
    Windows 7 Home Premium 64-bit, service pack 1

    That's not an option for me as when I right-click in the menu bar, all I get is "customize," NOT a choice about the now-totally-missing ribbon (the one with all of the icons, emoticons, etc.) It has simply vanished.
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 72,509
    64-bit Windows 11 Pro for Workstations
    Thread Starter

    Hello Nottaclue,

    It's still there for me in the Windows Live Mail 2011 email client program. Are you sure that you are right clicking in the same area that I have the red dot at in my screenshots in the tutorial? Could you also post a screenshot showing what you are seeing to see if it may help ID what the problem may be? :)
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 509
    Windows 7 Home Premium 64-bit, service pack 1

    What you are showing in your tutorial doesn't even look familiar to me, Brink! I have no idea what you have. It looks nothing like my screen. You are dealing with someone who really, really has no clue... I will have to study the screenshot steps before I can attempt to show you what I am seeing. It looks pretty overwhelming to me right now.

    What I've got at the top of my WLM is two very skinny bars with nothing but text -- no big, shiny icons. One starts with "File," and the other starts with "New."
      My Computer

  4. Posts : 72,509
    64-bit Windows 11 Pro for Workstations
    Thread Starter

    That's ok. We'll figure it out together when you are able to get the screenshots posted. If you have questions about doing so, please just let me know. In the mean time, click on File in your menu bar, and see if there is an About option under File. If so, click on About to see the version information of WLM and post back with it.
      My Computer

  5. Posts : 1
    win 7 64

    quick solution that worked for me

    hi guys as any of these did not apply for me trying to get back the ribbon and the blue button on the top left corner was not visible I used the following link to install the windows essentials on top of my existing windows live mail. it worked bringing back my ribbon without even restarting

    Windows Essentials - Download Windows Live Essentials

    I hope that helped
      My Computer


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