Thanks. I'll try a new thread and didn't realize this was not the place to post. BTW, RAID may not be an issue as I was planning on copying the data drive to an external hard disk, then copying from that hard disk to the new data drive. The fact that the two computers have RAIDed data drives seems irrelevant. Maybe I could follow the tutorial here since the OS drive is not in a RAID, though the new one is an SSD? Also, I found built-in Windows Easy Transfer, but that doesn't move programs. Thanks!
If it is about this tutorial, you can post here, probably the best place to post. :)
Something I cannot answer dilip as I have never used RAID the other s are far more knowledgeable re that stuff.:)
The first method tells me there has been a fatal error.. what should I do?
Hi, welcome to the Seven Forums. Did you read the tutorial through before sysprepping your Windows? This quote is from the end of the tutorial:
KariI have tested all above mentioned methods with all versions of Windows 7, from Starter to Enterprise. It works every time, with one exception: for reasons unknown to me, sysprep seems sometimes dislike Windows Media Player networking service, which is by default started every time Windows 7 starts. In about every third time I've done this, I've got an error message when trying to generalize:
However, this is not a big problem. You just need to stop the WMP networking service, and run sysprep with generalize option again. You can stop the service in question by typing net stop WMPNetworkSvc to command prompt, and hitting Enter: