Last edited by Brink; 29 Sep 2012 at 11:13. Reason: added quote
You would want to set the .reg file extension to have it's "Current Default" program set as Registry Editor (C:\Windows\regedit.exe). :)
Okay I did that. I also accidentally changed the ".lnk" extension's default to Registry Editor, and now there's no option to merge when I right click
Changing ".lnk" aaociations would not affect ".reg" associations.
If you right click on the downloaded .reg file for the listed lnk, and you do not have merge available, then you will need to make sure the you have .reg in Default Programs (click on link) set to have it's "Current Default" program set as Registry Editor (C:\Windows\regedit.exe) again.
Afterwards, try merging the download for lnk again.
I changed the default program for ".reg" to Registry Editor but still no luck.
When I right click, the only option is Open.
I'm on a Vista if that helps. Wrong forum... my bad. I tried a system restore and it didn't change anything either.
I changed the ".lnk" extension to open with Registry Editor and I think everything is back to normal now. Thanks for the help! :)
Yeah, for Vista issues you might consider our sister site Vista Forums, and the tutorial below instead.
Default File Type Associations - Restore - Vista Forums
I'm not sure how it's fixed with .lnk (LNK) (shortcut) files set to open with Registry Editor though. Does that not have all your shortcuts open to Registry Editor instead of their target program??
First time I tried, everything opened with Registry Editor but now, everything works normally. Not sure what changed but whatever...
Hi, very good info but one small question... the last thread on this subject i saw, (it was exclusively pertaining to .exe files) instructed how to manually chasnge registry values... some were the same as the program in the provided link set, some weren't... one consistancy was the quotations, for example in the other thread the value was supposed to be set at "%1%" %*"... the same is shown in the text document when you click edit in the submenu of the linked program... but when the program auto set the values, no quotations present... and some had slashes (e.g. "\%1"\"%*\)... couldve been forward slashes but my question is are quotations required or slashes... i noticed in the text doc that spaces were sometimes placed between values, pretty sure they'd be mandatory, but anyway, if you could give me some help on the issue id greatly appreciate it., thx