You're most welcome Craplesscrap. :)
I got excellent result with this post! I had a terrible trouble with my file type associations and thanks to you, all it´s fine now! thanks thanks thanks!
Thanks Shawn, I've been messing around with 7zip and I couldn't figure out get the default back and this did it, thanks. :)
Hello Brink,
In VIEWING my .otf files in Windows 7 using Gmail and the Firefox's browser I get an error code that says something about the .otf not being a valid file.
Here is the path I'm using for a gmail attachment :::
I go to Download > View using Windows 7 fontview.exe and I get the error message.
However I can go back the same path Download > View and instead of Windows 7 fontview.exe, choose an actual Font Viewing Program on the same font and it opens up with NO ERROR and lets me view the same font just fine.
Does this mean that my Windows 7 fontview.exe is corrupt or does it NOT recognize an .otf font file in the same way it does a .ttf file??
I looked for a default .otf file type association here in your list and could not find one.
I could let the font viewer program open each time but it takes longer for a secondary program to open when I just need a quick view in order to make a decision on whether I want to actually download the file or not.
Thank you so much, any information would be helpful.
Hello Jenn,
OTF has been added to the download list to restore it's default associations. :)
I hope this helps,
Hello Shawn,
Thank You so very much for the default .otf file.
I will try this tonight.
I was able to get the User file association removed
using a little un-associate file program I found ..
(I had tried to get the .otf to default to fontview.exe by
browsing to it in the System 32 file, what a headache
Anyway it only reverted back to the Font Viewing program
so hopefully this will put me back to the Windows default.
I really appreciate your help.
Thanks so much,