Nice tutorial andrew. I would add a tip for users to set it to C when using for specs to receive advice.
Nice tutorial andrew. I would add a tip for users to set it to C when using for specs to receive advice.
Speccy has updated:
- v1.24.632 (14 Nov 2013) - Added USB storage device detection.
- Improved CPU and motherboard temperature reading accuracy.
- Added option to skip User Account Control warning.
- Added ability to refresh Speccy data.
- Added option to start Speccy with Windows for temp monitoring.
- Enhanced hard drive information to include sector and track data.
- Added scriptable parameters for XML and TXT data export (professional edition only).
- Improved network adaptor detection.
- Improved debug mode notification.
- Minor bug fixes and GUI improvements.
One caution about using Speccy for temperature monitoring: it may not play well with some programs. I know for a fact it will not play well with Macrium Reflect (and I had the BSODs to prove it). Speccy is an excellent program that I use frequently and I strongly recommend it but a bit of caution must be used when running it.
I suppose its possible, I personally never had a problem with it, and I have over 200 different programs installed.
Granted I dont use all of them at once, haha. But I have never had a bsod running many programs with speccy turned on and in the tray.
Who knows, maybe with this update things might work for you.
Why use Macrium Reflect anyway? I don't understand whats so bad about windows 7 built in imaging. To each his own I guess. I heard whs say there is major issues with it, bit I never experienced any.
Am I just lucky with everything? Idk...
I guess in the end its just all opinions honestly.
Reflect is easier to use, more versatile, and more reliable than Win 7's backup utility.
Below the line is my Speccy "post template".
A warning is insufficient regarding keys presented in screen shots or text reports.
PUBLISH a snapshot automatically removes sensitive information and hosts the output on a Piriform server.
The member only has to copy the link returned and post it on their thread.
I recommend that you change Step 4
Click "File-save as text file"
Click "Publish Snapshot..."
Feel free to use anything below, if that helps.
Please post the following system information: Speccy snapshot
How to publish a Speccy snapshot:
Click on the Speccy file menu and select Publish Snapshot. This method removes sensitive information and provides you with a link to the report.
Copy the link returned from Publish Snapshot and paste it in a post on this thread so members have more information to better assist you.
Published Speccy report of my machine: