Windows Live Mail - Import Windows 7 and Vista Contacts

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    Windows Live Mail - Import Windows 7 and Vista Contacts

    Windows Live Mail - Import Windows 7 and Vista Contacts

    How to Import Vista and Windows 7 Contacts and Contact Groups into Windows Live Mail
    Published by
    Designer Media Ltd

    How to Import Vista and Windows 7 Contacts and Contact Groups into Windows Live Mail

    This will show you how to import your contacts and contact groups from Vista into Windows Live Mail that is in Windows 7.

    If you already have your contacts saved (step 2), then Windows Live Mail will automatically import them after installing and opening Windows Live Mail the first time.

    You can get information on how to download the latest version of Windows Live Mail here.

    In Contact Groups from Vista Windows Mail, only the contacts that are also included as normal Contacts will be imported into Windows Live Mail. Contacts that were created for the Contact Group only will not be imported into Windows Live Mail. You will need to write these down and manually add them back into Windows Live Mail.

    Here's How:
    1. To Import Windows 7 Contacts and Contact Groups into Windows Live Mail
    A) Go to step 3.
    2. To Import Vista Contacts and Contact Groups
    NOTE: This is if you wanted to import your contacts and contact groups from Vista into Windows 7 first, then import them into Windows Live Mail that you have installed in Windows 7.
    A) In Vista, navigate to the C:\Users\(user name)\Contacts folder, then copy all of your contacts and contact groups to something (ex: DVD, USB drive, etc...) to use to save into Windows 7 from. (see screenshot below)
    WARNING: Be sure to read the warning box about Contacts that were created only for the Contact Group.
    Windows Live Mail - Import Windows 7 and Vista Contacts-vista_contacts.jpg
    B) In Windows 7, copy the Vista contacts and contact groups into your C:\Users\(user name)\Contacts folder. (See screenshot below)
    NOTE: If you already have your contacts saved here, then Windows Live Mail will automatically import them after installing and opening Windows Live Mail the first time.
    Windows Live Mail - Import Windows 7 and Vista Contacts-windows7_contacts.jpg
    3. Open Windows Live Mail.

    4. In the left folder pane towards the bottom left of Windows Live Mail, click on Contacts. (see screenshot below)
    Windows Live Mail - Import Windows 7 and Vista Contacts-wlm-1.jpg
    5. In the Windows Live Mail Contacts window, click on the Import ribbon icon, and click on Address book for current Windows user. (see screenshot below)
    Windows Live Mail - Import Windows 7 and Vista Contacts-wlm_wave-4_beta-import.jpg
    6. Click on OK. (see screenshot below)
    Windows Live Mail - Import Windows 7 and Vista Contacts-import-2.jpg
    7. The Vista or Windows 7 contacts and contact groups are now imported into Windows Live Mail. (see screenshot below)
    Windows Live Mail - Import Windows 7 and Vista Contacts-import.jpg

    Windows Live Mail - Import Windows 7 and Vista Contacts-contact_groups.jpg
    That's it,

  1. Posts : 29
    windows 7 64 bit

    thanks forthat shaun

    much appreciated
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 72,431
    64-bit Windows 11 Pro for Workstations
    Thread Starter

    You're most welcome Thinktank. :)
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 1
    Windows 7 64 bit

    Shawn: I have done exactly what you've described to import contacts from Vista Windows Mail into Win 7 Windows Live mail - with problems resulting. I have 16 folders (groups) of contacts, containing approx 500 contacts, and about 350 contacts not categorized. The first time I tried the process, I transferred 15 of 16 contact groups, and about 850 total contacts. Since one group was missing, I deleted everything and tried again. Now when I go though the process, I transfer only 2 of 16 contact groups (folders) and about 850 contacts go into the preset "all contacts" folder. I have deleted all contacts and re transferred with the same results. How do I transfer all the groups and contacts accurately, at this point?

    Thanks for any help
    Last edited by coolhand; 31 Jan 2012 at 21:17. Reason: clarification
      My Computer

  4. Posts : 72,431
    64-bit Windows 11 Pro for Workstations
    Thread Starter

    Hello Coolhand, and welcome to Seven Forums.

    Were these contacts that were added to a group, or were they contacts Created for Group Only like in the red warning box at the top of the tutorial?

    Do you by chance have these contacts and contact groups tied to a Windows Live account (ex: hotmail)? If so, Windows Live Mail has a feature to transfer all contacts from the Live account into Windows Live Mail automatically.
      My Computer

  5. Posts : 1
    Windows 8 home premium, 64 bit

    This procedure works for Windows 8!

    Thank you so much. I spent an evening and half a day searching for your solution. It works fine for Windows 8 as well. I was importing contact files recovered from a dead Vista system

    Clean and concise.

      My Computer

  6. Posts : 72,431
    64-bit Windows 11 Pro for Workstations
    Thread Starter

    You're most welcome ctmst, and welcome to Seven Forums.

    I'm glad it was able to help, and thank you for confirming that it also works in Windows 8. :)
      My Computer

  7. Posts : 22
    Windows 7 Professsional 32 bit

    Shawn, I followed the procedure you outlined, but was told nothing was imported.

    Only 20 of my original total of over 100 contacts are now shown in WLM contacts.

    Is it possible to import contacts from my image backups of my C drive, and if so how.

    Your early reply would be appreciated.

    Thanks and regards,
    Roy Whitethread
      My Computer

  8. Posts : 72,431
    64-bit Windows 11 Pro for Workstations
    Thread Starter

    Hello Roy,

    You should be able to extract them from the system image using the method below, then be able to import or copy them back.

    System Image - Extract Files Using Disk Management - Windows 7 Help Forums
      My Computer

  9. Posts : 22
    Windows 7 Professsional 32 bit

    Shawn, thanks but I should have mentioned that my image files were created using Macrium Reflect. Can you tell me how to extract the contacts from those images?
      My Computer

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