LOL, I'm glad that you got it. Thank you for posting back with your results. :)
I have a similar problem wit this topic; wondering if you have an answer for me.
I play some web-based online games that are I believe built with adobe flash.
With Windows XP, I was able to right-click on IE short-cut, choose "run with different credentials" from advance tap; then I can play the same game with two accounts(users) at the same time.
However, it doesn't woth after I've installed Windows 7 64bit on my desktop! The "run as a different users" function didn't work the way it was with XP; seems to me that the resources, cookies or users information are shares before the primary account and the user account. (symtom: I logged in the game with my FIREFOX; then open firefox again with a different users (passworded), the game will log me out saying "you're logged in to this game on this computer")
In order to play the game, I need to use the laptop and the destop together!! If there a way around it, I could still use only my desktop and run the game in two users without conflicting each other?
Thank you very much!
Last edited by Brink; 22 Jun 2010 at 16:12. Reason: edit
Hello Ben, and welcome to Seven Forums.
I'm not sure if you will be able to since it seems that the game's website is keeping track of you with a cookie. To them, you are the same person since your IP address is the same for both users on your one computer. This is why it works with both the laptop and desktop together since they're IP addresses are different. The site sees two computers (different IP per computer) with a cookie on each computer, so you can have two log ins this way.
Hi "Brink",
Thank you for your fast response!
I was able to run the game with "run with different credentials" under Windows XP; and I am still able to do so with my girlfriend's XP system.
I could just simply create a short-cut for IE on my desktop, and for the new IE short-cut, I select "run with different credentials" un der advance tap, then enter the windows' user name and password I created; then two IE windows are running at the same time, with two the different login.
With the new Windows 7 I installed on my desktop; I've tried running it as a different user, run as admin.... tried with IE, Firefox, Opera & Safari.... non of them working for me. When the second games page loads up, the first one would know, and kick me out.
I don't believe MSFT would down-grade their products, I think there must be a way, I just don't know as of yet.
Thank you once again, I hope you're clear about what I meant by now.
I'm sorry Ben, but I do not know of a way do so. You might also post this issue in either the "Browsers & Mail" or "Gaming" forum to see if someone may know of a way for you to.
Please help, I got error after trying to run an exe as different user. It works perfectly on my windows XP but doesnt work after upgrade to windows 7!
Look at pictures attached, thanks
Hello Stev, and welcome to Seven Forums.
Since this is on a domain, are you entering ComputerName/UserAccountName (ex: STEV-PC\Stev) in the user name field?