Ah, thank you. Learned a new thing today.
Hi, fisrt of all this a great forum. Second I just bought a netbook with windows 7 stater and I wanted to download oceanis but the link is unavailable you any other way to change the background...coz i really hate it
Hello Isahanson, and welcome to Seven Forums.
Strange, it's still available for me when I click on the Download button under step 1 of Option One. You might see if you may be able to download it from below instead.
Last edited by Brink; 10 Jul 2011 at 22:02. Reason: removed download
hi Brink. I already downloaded the Oceanis and the UAC_level2 bu still not working.. pleaseee help.. thnks
Hi shawn,
thank you so much i downloaded and i cud change the desktop picture you are the best