Last edited by Brink; 22 Nov 2012 at 04:24. Reason: added quote
Other than using Option One in the tutorial below to change a few color scheme settings while using any scheme other than "Windows 7 Basic", I'm not sure in Windows 7 Starter.
Window Color and Appearance - Change
Wow, a great tutorial. Thanks for the Forum.
I'm still having issues with my background image from the downloaded personalized software.
I followed the tutorial for windows 7 starter and downloaded the personalized software, but there no picture when I select an image, only the background color. When I boot up the computer, the image shows for a few seconds, but then goes away. I uninstalled the asus dock, checked the security settings, and admin settings. Not sure where to go from here.
Hello grandinquisitor, and welcome to Seven Forums.
You might double check the items listed in the blue Note box under Option One to see if any may apply. If not, then you might try another option in the tutorial to see if it may work better for you.
Hope this helps for now, :)
Well, you see I'm trying not to do option one with oceanis (which is why I erased it); the program is just a bit clumsy in comparison to option 2. So my question is more in regards to option 2.
That's fine, but still check the items in the blue Note box to see if any may be a cause. :)