it is working now. thank u!
Thank you! It works wonderful! Wow!
Hello again! I was able to install the program on my main screen, but when I tried to apply the settings to my wife's as a second user on a different screen the program would not respond. Program opened but I could not get it to apply the settings and keep them. Anybody else experience this?
Hello Signetring,
Each user account (administrator or standard) should be able to run the program and set it's own background with it saved that way. You might see if uninstalling and reinstalling the program may help.
Hello Brink,
Yes! I tried the uninstall and reinstall twice with the same result. Each time I uninstall, it removes the program from all user screens. When reinstalling it again works for the main screen only. I tried to run it as "open" and "as administrator" both with the same result on the second screen. I even played with the UAC setting at the lowest position. Anybody have more ideas? I am installing on HP Mini 110-1125nr, beautiful machine.
Last edited by Signetring54; 14 Feb 2010 at 07:38. Reason: Add model
As a test, create a new user account for your wife to see if it will work in it.
If it does, then you can copy the contents of all folders in her C:\Users\(user-name) folder into the corresponding new account's folders in the C:\Users\(user-name) folder to get most of the settings back.
Great! Thanks very much this works a treat.
Whos great idea was it not to allow desktop picture change in the first place. Its certainly helped me make up my mind. Next computer will be a Mac!
You're welcome Busdriverman, and welcome to Seven Forums.
The Windows 7 Starter edition was meant to be a slimmed down edition of Windows 7 like this so that it could be used on low powered systems like a netbook and still have good performance. That's all. :)