Hello jdU,
I sure have. Here you go. :)
System Restore Point shortcut - Create in Windows 10 - Windows 10 Forums
Hello jdU,
I sure have. Here you go. :)
System Restore Point shortcut - Create in Windows 10 - Windows 10 Forums
Just what I need!
I'm about to upgrade from Win7 Pro ... not too happy to learn all updates will be automatic as I like to handle that task myself: read, review and check on success, etc. Then run the Restore Point so I don't have to worry about restoring to a point before the last update(s).
Thanks again, much appreciation!
You're welcome.
Automatic updates can be handled in Windows 10 as well though.
Windows Update Automatic Updates - Enable or Disable in Windows 10 - Windows 10 Forums
Thanks again
I have two shortcuts on my Windows 10 notebook desktop: System Restore, which points to C:\Windows\System32\rstrui, and Create System Restore Point, which points to C:\Program Files\Restore Point Message Shortcut\CreateRP-Success_Message.
I believe, though not 100% sure, I've created the latter following this forum post tutorial. Now I wonder how I can unistall or remove that from my system, since it appears as a program but not on the list in the Control Panel to uninstall it.
Any ideas? TIA.
Hello Paul, :)
You can use "Option Two" in the tutorial to remove it. It's basically just manually deleting the files and shortcut.
This is not a program though. The shortcut just runs the .vbs file that was placed in the Program Files folder. I chose that folder to make it easy to keep up with.