Sorry about that. It has been fixed. :)
Thanks again. Your work with registry ready settings help me a lot in re-installing windows in multiple pc' s.
Nice work really!!!
Hey !
Gratz for the awsome forum !
Is it possible to have the buttons NOT GROUPED , but keep the style like they were grouped ?
I mean, when the buttons are GROUPED it only show the icon of the program. But when they are UNGROUPED they show the icon and text right after the icon.
I'd like to have the button ungrouped but showing only the icon of the program.
Hello Pasadinhas, and welcome to Seven Forums.
While you have them set to "Never combine" to be ungrouped, you could use the tutorial below to change the taskbar button width size to a smaller number as a workaround to shrink the width of the button until the text does not show. You may need to experiment with the size number until you get it the way you like though.
Taskbar - Change Icon Button Width Size
Hope this helps,
Thanks ! That was just what i wanted :)
Worked just fine, and thanks for the really fast answer !
Well kind of....
See the thing is there should never have had to be a 'workaround' to make users happy. Out of all the options, how was that the only one not included.... Not having a dig at you, just the guy who was responsible for giving that part of the OS the green light, if by chance that is you, well this is life, eh
Anyway I have a workaround which has given me hope and courage that it's already been fixed for Windows 8.
I'm running the Taskbar as:
Always Combine, Hide Labels
At the same time I'm running a copy of UltraMon 3.0.10
While there is no obvious setting I've clicked (or available to click) in UltraMon, it has somewhat solved the problem on the secondary (NOT the primary monitor).
I can open many instances of anything without them combining, for example 2 firefox instances, 3 identical folder location instances, 4 control panel instances, 5 computer properties instances. All of these windows are available in small or large icons without labels/text next to them and without combining - may I add having NEVER had to change anything in the registry or fiddle with some code buried away in a subterranean folder.
HOWEVER, as soon as I try and transfer two identical instances back to the primary monitor (windows button), they once again combine.
So at the present moment I have 4 identical windows of My Computer/System Properties open. The two on the primary monitor are combined and the two on the secondary monitor are seperate (have not combined and are not using labels).
Therefore some file or piece of code somewhere has changed to allow the secondary monitor NOT to combine seperate instances of windows. The question is how to get what's currently on the secondary monitor also on the primary monitor?
The big thing I've noticed is the secondary monitor only displays tooltips as oppossed to thumbnails when the icons are hovered over, in all honesty I would even prefer this to thumbnails and would be more than willing to put up with the missing thumbnails if it means the windows didn't combine on the primary monitor.
Therefore I'm guessing it's code within the tooltip/combine that works, whereas maybe the developers were trying to fix something within thumbnail/combine and just can't understand why it wouldn't gel?
For example they already know something along the lines of this works:
Combine=yes<preview(thumbnail)=yes<tooltip=yes(insidethumbnail) - result = combines windows, shows thumbnails, shows tooltips inside thumbnails
Perhaps they've tried something along the lines of:
Combine=no<preview=no<tooltip=yes - result = doesn't work
Combine=no<preview=yes<tooltip=no - result = doesn't work
Combine=no<preview=yes<tooltip=yes - result = doesn't work
It's just a matter of working out where the tooltip needs to be on and where it doesn't, to give users that fourth option of
Never Combine, Hide Labels
Maybe it's the preview box and needs to be:
Combine=yes<preview=no<tooltip=yes - result = Never Combine, Hide Labels, Show tooltip
Perhaps it's an unusual heirachy structure, combine has to be on, then preview set to off, cancelling each other out before tooltip comes in and makes each window show merely the tooltip?
I know it's an odd way to think about the problem/solution, but perhaps it's the way things work there at Microsoft, eh!?
As for me, I always have two windows folders on each monitor (total of 4) just as the bare essentials. The two still combining on the primary monitor is just killing my productivity.
Any ideas?
is there a way to ungroup the ions without having them show the text?
example would be this picture
like this but without the text next to the icons.
sorry guys. scrolled up and saw the workaround was posted. sorry for the old bump