Hey Shawn,
Let me just revise some things I said earlier. Sorry, got too dazed with confusion when I wrote initially =(
1. I disabled the built-in administrator through Local Security Policy (LSP) NOT Local Users and Groups. Not sure if this will affect your response to my problem. FYI, now i can't access LSP also.
2. I can't access Change your account type under User Accounts. In the UAC message "Do you want to allow the following program to make the following changes to this computer?", the "Yes" button is gray.
I need to restore the built-in admin again because I can't download/install/uninstall/etc. when that UAC message above appears.
I can't do any of the system restore options you mentioned because I can't even get pass the UAC message. Only "No" is the active reply *sniff*sniff*
Is there any other way? Thanks again for your help... and tons of patience =)