Built-in Administrator Account - Enable or Disable

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  1. Posts : 72,952
    64-bit Windows 11 Pro for Workstations
    Thread Starter


    Yep, it still works in Windows 7 as well.

    Q1) Correct. Elevating administrator accounts makes them the same as the built-in Administrator.

    Q2) UAC prompt is used to get your permission to allow running or opening something that requires elevated rights.

    "Open File Security Warning" is used to get your permission to allow running or opening something that was copied or downloaded from an external source.

    UAC and "Open File..." are not related.
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 12
    Windows 7 Ultimate x64

    Thanks for making a clear distinction between UAC and Open File Security Warning.

    In this link:
    User Account Control (UAC) - Elevate Privilege Level

    Elevate_Administrator_Privilege.reg looks like:
    In this link:
    User Account Control - UAC - Change Notification Settings

    UAC_Level-4_Disable.reg looks like:
    So basically, both of these links do the same: your regular administrator account won't be prompted by UAC and become fully elevated as built-in administrator account. However, "ConsentPromptBehaviorAdmin"=dword:00000000 just removes the UAC popup prompts, but "EnableLUA"=dword:00000000 disables UAC entirely.

    1. Does running UAC_Level-4_Disable.reg adds more privileges and elevation to your regular administrator account and reduces security more than running Elevate_Administrator_Privilege.reg?

    2. What's the practical difference between these two registry modifications?
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 72,952
    64-bit Windows 11 Pro for Workstations
    Thread Starter

    Correct. Those two .reg files basically do the same thing since you must elevate in order to completely disable UAC. :)
      My Computer

  4. Posts : 12
    Windows 7 Ultimate x64

    The practical difference between Elevate_Administrator_Privilege.reg and UAC_Level-4_Disable.reg is that with Elevate_Administrator_Privilege.reg you wouldn't have regular UAC prompts, but you would still have to manually choose to run programs as Administrator, e.g. run cmd as administrator in order to make some changes.

    With UAC_Level-4_Disable.reg you wouldn't have regular UAC prompts and also wouldn't have to manually choose to run programs as Administrator, because programs would be run as administrator always by default.

    Now this sounds to me as being the real Administrator :)

    Thanks for support, Shawn.
      My Computer

  5. Posts : 1
    windows 7 ultimate x64

    Disabled account Administrator

    Lio said:
    Brink said:
    Have you logged out of the built-in Administrator account, logged into your LioSeven administrator acccount, then try to disabled the built-in Administrator account using step 2 in OPTION TWO of the tutorial?
    RUN CMD run as administrator (THIS IS IMPORTANT)

    I'm logged in my usual account LioSeven where I'm administrator and I have this reply if I use Command Prompt

    Microsoft Windows [Version 6.1.7600]
    Copyright (c) 2009 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

    C:\Users\LioSeven>net user administrator /active:yes
    System error 5 has occurred.

    Access is denied. (comom run it without administrator)


    OPS I see only now that I was not In the elevated Command Prompt, I try again
      My Computer

  6. Posts : 4
    windows 8.1 64

    i don't want to go through all this just to use my own computer...
    i don't want a button on my log on screen...
    i just want to use it without it yelling at me
    and telling me i can't do it....
      My Computer

  7. Posts : 72,952
    64-bit Windows 11 Pro for Workstations
    Thread Starter

    hannelius said:
    i don't want to go through all this just to use my own computer...
    i don't want a button on my log on screen...
    i just want to use it without it yelling at me
    and telling me i can't do it....
    Then enable the built-in Administrator, and log in to it to have what you wanted.
      My Computer

  8. Posts : 4
    windows 8.1 64

    in control panel/user accounts (windows 7)
    it says my account type is
    OWNER Administrator

    it also says "Administrators have complete access to the computer and can make any desired changes"
    it says that's what i am...

    but it also says "based on notification settings, administrators may be asked to provide their password or confirmation before making changes that affect other users"

    what are these notification settings, do you know?

    it yells at me for things so simple as changing a path on a shortcut when i move a folder
    and it puts locks on all my zip files (compressed folders that windows makes) when i make them

    is there an easier thing i can do, where all these settings are stored?
      My Computer

  9. Posts : 72,952
    64-bit Windows 11 Pro for Workstations
    Thread Starter

    Your administrator account is not elevated. That's why you get a UAC prompt to approve whenever you try to "Run as Administrator" that require elevated rights.

    The built-in "Administrator" account is an elevated account that has full rights.

    Other than enabling and using the built-in "Administrator account as per the tutorial on the first page, you could use the tutorial below to elevate all administrator accounts so that they will have the same rights as the built-in "Administrator".

    User Account Control (UAC) - Elevate Privilege Level
      My Computer

  10. Posts : 7
    Win 7 Home Premium 64 Bit

    Nothing Works

    None of these options seem to work on Win 7 Home Premium. I am trying to solve this silly but very serious bug in Windows/IE11 - my LAN settings keep reverting back to - "Use Proxy Server' - it sometimes happens on every click (sometimes less frequent). Highly annoying impossible to work problem.
      My Computer

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