You would have to be logged on to an administrator account to be able to make those changes.
Do you have any other administrator account on the computer that you can log in to for this?
i've read many comments on how to enable admin account and then set password, but i'm trying to find a better and faster way to do it.
Above all, is there also a way to hide the password in the same script?
Thanks in advance for your reply.
Hi Brink, and thanks for your faster reply. :)
I apologize if i forgot to tell it before, but i need a script (better if vbs) to do that as i manage many new notebooks to initialize (for first time) and then enable the admin account.
If you like, you could use the same command in a .bat file. You would just need to right click on the .bat file and click on "Run as administrator".
I will appreciate very much if you could suggest me that way.
Please, can you report here the code for even a .cmd?
Many thanks
The code would be the exact same command line used in step 3 of OPTION TWO in this tutorial.
Yes, but i need to run it as administrator.
Instead, i would double click it and let it make all the job, without errors or asking me password...