great work Mark......, im also gonna give it a whirl
Thank you so much for this fix.
Any recommended Registry docs for the Win 7 base??
I want to make a few changes for the "right click" op in "Computer" icon, to add Regedit, Services, Add/Remove Programs...
I have writen reg files to make the changes, but, no working.
I have Activated the Administrator Account (w/Password Protection) and Logged on as Admin, and right click regedit.exe - Run As Admin, and tried to make the mods manually, noop...
Checked "Permissions" on the Keys, Admin has full control, still no functionality.
Here is one of the reg mods I am talking about;
I have these, and others on all of my other computers that I work on and test on. from Win2k---WinVista x32 and x64.Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
My main focus is to use as much as the Security settings possible in the Win 7, and Test the Apps that I use regularly. (like AutoDesk, COMODO, CST, MatLabs and Many Electronic Design Programs (some Legacy), for the Engineering Work that I do.
I still can't get the files ;-(
Anyways, thank you for your great work!!!
After playing with this "hack" I have realized that the "flyouts" are blocked.
Examples are
- wp-corp mail checker
- WeatherMan:
- Agenda / Calendar
Windows Live Gallery
It works in Vista and with the "original" Sidebar in W7
On my Vista laptop, I have gadgets on multiple "pages"... and I can click thru those pages using the arrow on the top of the sidebar.
On my Windows 7 desktop pc, the gadgets just pile up on the desktop... there are no multiple "pages".
How can I get the "page" function onto W7? I don't want 15 gadgets cluttering up my desktop, I would prefer to see 5 (or so) at a time. Is this possible in RC1?