OK, that is easy.
1. Go to COMPUTER in Vista.
2. double click on C partition
4. there go to WINDOWS SIDEBAR folder
5. now copy that to a place where you can access it from your Win7 system. That could be an external disk, a USB stick, an SD card or a shared folder (I don't know what your setup is). For copying it, you can use Copy/Paste or Copy to Folder... ( Add Copy To / Move To on Windows 7 or Vista Right-Click Menu - the How-To Geek )
Now you take the same path to your Win7 Program Files (Computer > double click on C > Program files) and again double click on Program Files.
1. Rename the Windows Sidebar folder in there Windows Sidebar (2). You first have to take ownership as described.
2. Then Copy the Vista Sidebar folder from the device (or whatever) where you have saved it and Paste it into the Win7 Program files folder. You can also put the "device" folder and the Win7 Program Files folder side by side and drag it over.
Now you should have 2 folders in your Program Files: Windows Sidebar (2) and Windows Sidebar. Now follow the rest of the instructions.