Did you already enable hibernate?
Yes but still no hibernate option.
i followed your tutorial above to turn on the hibernation but it does not seem to appear in the starts menu arrow.. what is wrong here?
Last edited by Brink; 15 Apr 2011 at 14:41. Reason: merged
If you mean in the Start Menu, then you will only see Hibernate listed in the Start Menu power button arrow menu unless you have Hybrid turned off in the Advanced Power Plan Options.
Hybrid is turned on. I guess something must be wrong with it.
Regarding the above setting, so Hibernation is always +5min after hard disk is turned off correct?
LOL, you have to turn off Hybrid to see Hibernate in the Start Menu.
Hibernate will be after however many minutes you set it to be in your advanced power plan settings.
oh..., i will try it. By the way if i would like to go into hibernation immediately after i click on the sleep button at the start menu. So what would be the best way to set it?
If you wanted to go immediately into hibernation, then you could just click on the hibernate option in the Start Menu instead.
Which do you prefer, Hybrid sleep or Hibernation for your desktop?
I prefer sleep since I'm always using off and on at all hours of the day and night. This way it starts instantly for me.
It just depends on how and how often you use your computer and what would work best for you though.
Hi brink,
Isit ok if i set "Turn off Harddisk after.." and "Sleep after.." at the same time? For example 15mins?
What is the different between Sleep and Turn off harddisk actually?