Quick Launch - Enable or Disable

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  1. Posts : 620

    Use jumplist launcher.
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 9
    Windows7 Home Premium


    Hi there:
    Just recently installed Win7. I too, missed the Quick Launch. However, after finding my way around the new baby and accustoming myself to its burping I really found the new system better. With the options still open to put links either on desktop or drag to the taskbar,etc., the speed of Win7 overcomes the change in operation. I think the explanation given in <davehcs> post covers it quite well.

    davehc said:
    Fwiw. Hi Brink. According to Microsoft, the whole of the new taskbar is now merged into the quick launch. There is no need for a hack. Works for me!
    Quote from the Microsoft Engineers:
    "If one increases the size of Quick Launch, one must then determine what to do with the taskband. As previously discussed, we observed that under many scenarios of single-instance programs, launching and switching were equivalent. Hence, we decided to standardize this behavior and have program launchers turn into window switchers when they are launched. Effectively, we unified Quick Launch and the taskband. While some other operating systems have similar concepts, one difference with our approach is that our default experience always optimizes for a single representation on the taskbar. This means that regardless of a window’s state (e.g. minimized, maximized or restored) there are no new or duplicate buttons created. Also, the default taskbar doesn’t allow destinations to be pinned to the top-level which prevents duplication of a pinned file and a running window with that same file open. When we say there is “one button to rule them all” we’re serious. This approach to a single, unified button keeps the taskbar uncluttered and gives the person a single place to find what she’s looking for."
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 1,747
    window's 7

    SWEET!! have been looking for this in a while
      My Computer

  4. Posts : 3
    Windows 7

    Hi, I just tried this since I didn't like the default Windows 7 taskbar. However, the Windows Quick launch hotkey (Windows key+Number) wasn't able to open up the program. Is there a way around this?
      My Computer

  5. Posts : 72,961
    64-bit Windows 11 Pro for Workstations
    Thread Starter

    Hello xoSushi, and welcome to Seven Forums.

    Unfortunately, the Windows Key+Number works on tasbar icons (pinned or open windows) now instead of in Quick Launch. However, you can assign your own keyboard shortcut for a program in Quick Launch to use instead.

    Hope this helps,
      My Computer

  6. Posts : 4

    I have my own 'problem', in that I have my Task Bar on the (lft) side and sized 6-rows across.
    Under XP, things were quite stable, but not under Win7 -- I have problems keeping the ordering constant.

    It may be related to 'LOGGING OFF' problems (hangs on log off)...but not sure.

    Occassionally the contents of the quick-launch bar are set back to some earlier state -- but that might have to do with some random incomplete copy (to or fro) with my profile being store or retrieved on login. (after it ate itself...BEWARE system restore! 2 out of the 4 times it was a system restore that ate Windows -- 'sys restore failed; AND deleted many files; I have used sysrestore successfully, but cross fingers each time now!).

    FWIW...I setup my home linux server as a Domain server to serve my profiles after having to resintsall Win7 about 4 times.

    I try to keep all important files on the linux server (as it can keep sane, versioned, daily incremental system backups -- unlike Windows!). But only went to networked profiles after installing Win7 and experiencing it's unreliability (sigh)...Since I did that, of course, it hasn't crashed, it just gets flakey w/my profile! ;-) It sometimes (often) has problems keeping them fully sync'ed, and lately it's just been outright hanging on logout (and reboot).... Very troublesome.

    I suppose the fact that Win7 Blue-screens about once a week doesn't help for file reliability and persistence.
      My Computer

  7. Posts : 7
    Win 7

    QL in Win7 Won't maintain order

    I have a similar setup to Astara. Bar is on left side, 3 wide in my case. I gave up on QL because even though I could get it to show up consistently, it would not stay ordered the way I wanted it. I could re-order it, but each time I rebooted, the order would revert to some order that M$ seems to like. There seems to be no workaround for that.

    I now use 7Stacks, which is kind of adequate. It is slow and a little bit unreliable, but still workable.

    M$ really messed up on this one, big time.
      My Computer

  8. Posts : 529
    windows 8.1 Pro x64

    Brink said:
    Hello Kari,

    I'm not sure why or how for this one. It seems to work just fine for the large majority of people, but for just a few unlucky ones, some unknown cause is causing it to disappear after a restart.

    Hopefully after some time with everyone comparing notes that this is happening to, we can come up with a common issue.

    Brink I have a thoery, it came up when you mentioned it is common on laptops (doesnt happen on my laptop with my clean installed retail windows 7).

    Could it be OEM preinstalled windows suffer with this problem? something in startup perhaps that reverts to defaults.
      My Computer

  9. Posts : 72,961
    64-bit Windows 11 Pro for Workstations
    Thread Starter

    Hello Chrysalis,

    Yes, so far this does seem to only happen on a OEM computer (usually a laptop) with a OEM preinstalled Windows 7. I have not narrowed it down to anything specific though on these since they all vary to what the OEM has included with the installation. I would recommend to those with this problem to disable or uninstall anything that was installed by the OEM and not part of Windows 7 to see if any of those may be the cause of the issue.
      My Computer

  10. Posts : 17,545
    Windows 10 Pro x64 EN-GB

    I have not an OEM, and this is happening to me both on laptop and desktop, both on a clean and in-place upgraded setup.

    Simply, my Quick Launch is always there, it does not sometimes disappear after reboot, as I've heard and read it does for somebody.

    Instead, all icons and / or shortcuts I've added myself to Quick Launch disappear. A good example is Snipping Tool; I have to put it back after every reboot. It's always the same: shortcuts added to Quick Launch by installer ("Would you like to add a shortcut to Quick Launch?") stay, those I add myself don't.

    IMO, it have to have something to do with roaming profile reverting to an earlier stage.
      My Computer

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