Last edited by Brink; 12 Jun 2012 at 21:49. Reason: added quote
Last edited by Brink; 12 Jun 2012 at 21:49. Reason: added quote
no mate hahahahaha i am looking for the reg file for the quick launch bar i read the tutorial but everytime i need to go throuhg whole tutorial so thought to ask if got a reg file for it then it would be easy to install it
LOL, oh ok. Sorry, but there wouldn't and couldn't be a REG file involved for this. You're basically just creating a folder with a Recycle Bin shortcut in it, then adding the folder as a toolbar to the taskbar. :)
Thank you Brink for the original Tut on Quick Launch - Enable or Disable.
Got that and it is now on the left side of the Task Bar, great stuff - BUT, it retains its label at the left "Quick Launch" beside the Show Desktop icon.
How to get rid of that label?
Thanks in advance.
You're most welcome muymalestado.
It looks like you just missed step 6 in OPTION ONE to remove it. :)
Duh! RTFT, eh?
I have my taskbar setup to double height of normal, quick launch (QL) bar on the left hand side of the screen, small icons with no text in QL. When I reboot my computer, Windows displays two (2) rows of QL icons, followed by some double arrows that I can click on which brings up a list box with my other shortcuts. When I unlock the taskbar, and quickly drag it to the top of the screen and then back down to the bottom, Windows displays three (3) rows of icons. How do I get Windows to consitently display three (3) rows of icons in the quick launch bar without me having to unlock and move to and from every time I reboot?
Hello Michael, and welcome to Seven Forums.
I've been playing with this, and I can't even get it to show 3 rows in QL with the taskbar set to double height. Only if the taskbar was set to triple height.
If you like, a workaround would be to unlock the taskbar, drag the dotted line separator to the right of QL over to the right just a bit until all small icons in QL show without the expansion double arrow, then lock the taskbar.
Screen Resolution: 1280 x 1024
Custom DPI Setting: 125% 9 point Segoe UI at 120 pixels per inch using Windows XP style DPI scaling
Window Color and Appearance:
Caption Buttons - Size: 26
Icon - Size: 32
Icon Spacing (Horizontal) - Size: 62
Icon Spacing (Vertical) - Size: 55
I DO use Aero, not a basic theme.
I just do not understand why it will not show me the three rows until I move the bar around. If it displays it this way once, I should always be able to display it this way.
I have tried holding the shift key down when re-booting, no luck.