Quick Launch - Enable or Disable

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  1. Posts : 1
    win7u 64

    I Registered Just to post how much I like this. I often have 4 or 5 firefox browsers running and need a new one. IE sometimes too. When they are pinned it makes it hard to launch a new browser I have to open the start menu and go to programs and launch a new one. This is nice now I can launch a new one off the taskbar and that is very convenient. For those who can't figure out why this would be a good idea that is why. if you have 10 tabs open in a browser it is better to open a new one rather than have a hundred tabs better to have 10 browsers. Pinning is ok for single use apps in fact is sometimes convenient to have a program on pinned so you can close it easier. I like having both plus taskbar has nice windows switch and show desktop.
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 21
    Windows 7 32 Bit

    How to Create shortcut of Local Area Connection in Windows 7

    I was having difficult time to sort out how to create a shortcut of Local Area Connection in the Start bar or in the toolbar ,there is no option when right click the local area connection to create shortcut ,only option was there is to create a shortcut to desktop but not in toolbar .But this Quick Launch this has just sorted it out so easily .Now i don't have to go into the Network and Sharing Center and click on Change Adapter Settings and then Local Area Connection to enable it, Now i can enable it here with one two clicks away .Thank You
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 21
    Windows 7 32 Bit

    Thank you .I was looking for this but it goes after some days and i have to do this thing all over again.
      My Computer

  4. Posts : 72,964
    64-bit Windows 11 Pro for Workstations
    Thread Starter

    Hello Shivam,

    Double check to see if the items in the yellow tip box at the top of the tutorial may be able to help with this for now. :)
      My Computer

  5. Posts : 111
    Win7 Ultimate/X84

    Option 3 :Thank you very very much,good job!
      My Computer

  6. Posts : 27
    Windows 7 X64

    Hi boys.... i continue to have problems whit quicklaunch disappering after random reboot!
    I have downdload the Hotfix from link but when i try to install i obtain an error says "It's not applicable" and i need to understand and resolve this problems

    I have create a folder on C:\..... called "AAARapidi". I have add to Taskbar and i have pinned and all it's correctly but after some random reboot the quicklauch it's disappering whitout any error!!

    Please help........... i have windows 7 x64 whit all windows update............. there's exist some registry voice to add or other similar tweak to my system to fix this problems ??
      My Computer

  7. Posts : 72,964
    64-bit Windows 11 Pro for Workstations
    Thread Starter

    Hello DjDiabolik, :)

    Have you already tried everything in the yellow tip box at the top of the tutorial to see if it may help?
      My Computer

  8. Posts : 27
    Windows 7 X64

    Brink said:
    Hello DjDiabolik, :)

    Have you already tried everything in the yellow tip box at the top of the tutorial to see if it may help?
    Yes... and in some cases no because i don't have understand the exactly procedure...

    Otherwise - Point One - The HotFix:
    I have tryed to download and tryed to install but i obtain a errors says "it's not applicable"

    Point Two - Save my current theme:
    I have save my theme and i have now a file called "Diabolik.theme":
    ; Copyright © Microsoft Corp.
    ; Computer - SHIDI_SERVER
    ; UsersFiles - SHIDI_USERFILES
    ; Network - SHIDI_MYNETWORK
    [Control Panel\Cursors]
    [Control Panel\Desktop]
    SchemeName=Predefiniti di Windows
    Apparently whit and whitout the additional quicklaunch activated/added the files it's not changed.... otherwise it's not help me to resolve this issue.

    Point three - 32bit OS - Disable UAC:
    I have Windows 7 X64 but i also disable UAC otherwise... no help me

    Point four - i quote:
    Open the hidden Quick Launch folder in the NOTE box above, then right click in the folder and click on New and Shortcut to add a shortcut into Quick Launch instead.
    I don't have understand how i need to do...... open the quicklaunch folder in the NOTE.. ok i reach the folder. Inside of this i can watch a hidden folder called "User Pinned"........ i need to create inside this folder a new shortcut to same exaxt folder ? It's right ? And after this ?

    The next point - i quote:
    Create a new folder, copy the shortcuts in the Quick Launch folder above into the new folder, then pin the new folder to the taskbar instead just like the Quick Launch folder here.
    It's a second parts of Precedent point ?? I don't have undestand ? how i need to create a new folder ? And the quick launch shortcut it's the same shortcut created on Point four ? I don't have understand this parts..........

    The last point - Speak again about fix.......... i already explain i can't apply......
      My Computer

  9. Posts : 27
    Windows 7 X64

    It's unbelievable..... after i post here i'm go to sleep.................. now i'm back and i turn on my pc and.................... BOOM... quicklaunch it's gone!
    It's very frustrating this stupid bug.....................and:

    My previous "saved" themes it's correctly loaded but no quicklauch it's apparing........

    Otherwise... if i can't use the quicklaunch... it's possibly to make/create a menù inside the Main "Start Menu" ???
    Now i have "pinned" a folder contain all app........ but it's possibly to create a multi choice menù ?
    Last edited by DjDiabolik; 13 May 2016 at 07:16.
      My Computer

  10. Posts : 72,964
    64-bit Windows 11 Pro for Workstations
    Thread Starter

    DjDiabolik said:
    Point four - i quote:
    Open the hidden Quick Launch folder in the NOTE box above, then right click in the folder and click on New and Shortcut to add a shortcut into Quick Launch instead.
    I don't have understand how i need to do...... open the quicklaunch folder in the NOTE.. ok i reach the folder. Inside of this i can watch a hidden folder called "User Pinned"........ i need to create inside this folder a new shortcut to same exaxt folder ? It's right ? And after this ?
    This would be to create the shortcut directly in the Quick Launch folder instead of dragging and dropping item on Quick Launch on the taskbar.

    DjDiabolik said:
    The next point - i quote:
    Create a new folder, copy the shortcuts in the Quick Launch folder above into the new folder, then pin the new folder to the taskbar instead just like the Quick Launch folder here.
    It's a second parts of Precedent point ?? I don't have undestand ? how i need to create a new folder ? And the quick launch shortcut it's the same shortcut created on Point four ? I don't have understand this parts..........

    The last point - Speak again about fix.......... i already explain i can't apply......
    This is to create a new folder where you like, create shortcuts you want in this new folder, then pin the folder to your taskbar to use instead of Quick Launch. The tutorial link in that point will show you how to pin a folder to the taskbar.
      My Computer

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