Will VB6.0 run smoothly if ill use xp mode?

  1. Posts : 3
    windows 7

    Will VB6.0 run smoothly if ill use xp mode?

    Will VB6.0 run smoothly if ill use xp mode?
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 2,528
    Windows 10 Pro x64

    Depends - are there particular reasons you are unable to run your VB6 app natively in Windows 7? Obviously XP Mode is a true Windows XP "system" in a VM, so if there are compat issues in Win7 for your VB6 app, then yes. However, VB6 is still included (albeit somewhat limited) in Win7, so I'm curious as to why you're asking.
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 1,210
    Windows 7 Ultimate x64 (XP, 98SE, 95, 3.11, DOS 7.10 on VM) + Ubuntu 10.04 LTS Lucid Lynx

    cluberti said:
    Depends - are there particular reasons you are unable to run your VB6 app natively in Windows 7? Obviously XP Mode is a true Windows XP "system" in a VM, so if there are compat issues in Win7 for your VB6 app, then yes. However, VB6 is still included (albeit somewhat limited) in Win7, so I'm curious as to why you're asking.
    VB 6.0 has quite a few display problems running on Windows 7.

    florence said:
    Will VB6.0 run smoothly if ill use xp mode?
    It should work fine in XP Mode. Personally I use VB 6.0 on XP inside VMWare.
      My Computer


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