VMware users note you CAN run a 64 bit Guest from XP

  1. Posts : 5,941
    Linux CENTOS 7 / various Windows OS'es and servers

    VMware users note you CAN run a 64 bit Guest from XP

    Hi all

    to those of you still running XP you CAN run W7 X64 as a guest (assuming you have the Virtualisation feature enabled) or even if you have W7 X86 you can still test the W7 X64 system out.

    This is a good way to try out to see if you like the X64 bit version and whether your applications will run.

    Note that DIRECT hardware access applications such as DVD playing and some moderrn games won't work on a VM but nearly everything else should run just fine.

    I mention this only because people are under the mistaken impression that you have to be running a 64 bit HOST in order to run a 64 bit Guest OS --not true.

    The only limitation is that as the HOST 32 bit system can't see more than 4GB memory the number and size of your 64 bit GUEST OS'es will be limited.

    This is actually a great way of testing out for example the 64 bit version of Office 2010 even if you are on XP.

    You'll need vmware workstation or vbox installed on the host but it will work just fine (including the AERO effects on W7).

      My Computer

  2. Posts : 27

    Very good tip.

    Just a little addition in case you are not allowed (or able) to install virtualization software on the host. If so, then you can boot into winpe (like bartpe etc) and run vmware (player or workstation) from there. Then you can test 64-bit vm's without touching the host OS.

      My Computer


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