How do you edit "windows XP Mode.vmcx"

  1. Posts : 1
    Windows 7 pro 64 bits

    How do you edit "windows XP Mode.vmcx"

    How do you edit "windows XP Mode.vmcx" ? When I click setting, there is no editing program pop up to edit it. There was no program associated with the file.

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  2. Posts : 10,994
    Win 7 Pro 64-bit

    Hello Polymer and welcome to the Forum.

    I'm guessing you're talking about the .vmcx files that appear in the Virtual Machines folder. In actuality, .vmcx files are just shortcuts to .vmc files. It's my understanding that by default, Windows 7 places the .vmc files under the hidden AppData folder, but they can be anywhere. If you open a .vmc file you have saved elsewhere, Windows will automatically create the .vmcx shortcut under the Virtual Machines folder for you. So I don't think editing a .vmcx file will accomplish anything other than breaking the shortcut.

    Some people have accidentally "lost" the XP Mode from the VM folder by deleting XPMode.vmcx. If this has happened you can find and double-click the XPMode.vmc file to recreate the XP Mode.vmcx file. The.vmc file is %systemdrive%\Users\<username>\ AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows Virtual PC\Virtual Machines, unless a different folder was selected during setup. In that case, search for “Windows XP Mode.vmc”.

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    Troubleshooting Windows Virtual PC
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  3. Posts : 17,545
    Windows 10 Pro x64 EN-GB

    You can edit .vmcx and .vmc files with for instance Notepad. They are normal text files, which you can open and edit with any text editor.

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