Should I keep xp-mode running all the time?

  1. bww
    Posts : 30
    Windows 7 Pro-64 bit

    Should I keep xp-mode running all the time?

    I am new to virtualization. I am running xp mode in windows 7 and have a task that I need to run in xp every day and it takes about 10 min to run.

    My question is: Is it better to just let xp mode stay open all the time?

    Currently I hibernate xp mode after I am done running the application, then the next day I bring it back. I also keep my Windows 7 running in sleep mode when I am not using the computer.

    I have 6 gb of memory and the xp mode is using 1024mb. I don't run any memory extensive programs.

      My Computer

  2. Posts : 17,545
    Windows 10 Pro x64 EN-GB

    Your system can run XP Mode all the time, especially thinking the amount of RAM you have. But Virtual PC process uses unnecessary processor resources also when idle, and raises both processor and GPU temperature.

    I let virtual machines never run when I do not need them. Not having a virtual machine constantly on, the processor and GPU temperature stay a bit cooler and I do not waste processor resources.

      My Computer

  3. bww
    Posts : 30
    Windows 7 Pro-64 bit
    Thread Starter


    So the bottom line is to just hibernate each day and then unhibernate when I want to run the program. It only takes about 1 minute for the hibernation to load up so I guess that is the best solution.

    Thanks for your answer and help
      My Computer

  4. Posts : 7,878
    Windows 7 Ultimate x64

    My vote would be for no. these things start up so darn fast, especially when suspended, that I would keep them closed.
      My Computer

  5. bww
    Posts : 30
    Windows 7 Pro-64 bit
    Thread Starter

    Is suspended the same as hibernated?
      My Computer

  6. Posts : 17,545
    Windows 10 Pro x64 EN-GB

    Yes, my bit complicated answer meant No. As Pparks says, it starts fast when you need it.

    Yes, suspended is as hibernated.

      My Computer


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